Intentional Friendship


Photo by Jed Villejo

Whether we like it or not, there are certain people who comes in our lives for a certain purpose and once that is done, they're gone. We might not want to end the friendship with them but then sometimes we realized that it's out of our hands as some of this things just happens naturally.

About two months ago, I had met this guy at my screening office in school while trying to arrange some of my school documents and somehow we just kinda bonded and helped each other out. The whole thing at the screening office lasted for about three days and for that three days, we moved around like we've been friends since freshman year.

Immediately we were done, everyone said their goodbyes and that was it, I haven't heard from him or seen him ever since. Now this isn't the first time something like this is happening to me and so I'm not that surprised. I do understand that not everyone is meant to be in our lives and sometimes, some of these people are only stepping stones to help us get to our goals but that doesn't mean that that is all it has to be.

We don't have to keep everyone around as some people will end up getting us in trouble, I know that. But I believe that there are certain people that we meet that we just know will make a good impact in our lives and when they do, we don't just forget about them but instead continue being really close friends with them.

I guess what I'm trying to say is that I plan on being more intentional with my friendship henceforth. I've always been someone who enjoys having friends and meeting people and I don't always like it when some of these people just disappear and I have to act like they never existed.

But that doesn't mean that I would be forcing myself on anyone though, all I'm just trying to say is I will always make sure to play my part in trying to make the friendship work but if it doesn't, then it was never meant to do. Trying to force it will only make me come out as being creepy and that is the last thing I want anyone to think of me.

But then, I also have to bear in mind that the same way some of these people appeared for a reason, is the same way some of them is leaving too and that those reasons might either be what has been keeping me away from trouble or what has been preventing me from meeting people who have the ability to help me in one way or the other.


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