Get Comfortable Saying it


Photo by Gemma Evans
I've come to realize that one of the hardest things for people to say to another person in the world we are living in today is the word NO. For some reason, people don't really say it much but we actually need more people saying NO and that is because it will help stop a lot of unnecessary things.

I will be lying if I said I have no idea why people find it hard to say NO because I used to be like that back in the day. I remember back then that instead of saying it bluntly, I'd beat around the bush and just use multiple words to say NO because I was trying not to get the other person offended.

But you see, the truth is that saying NO shouldn't really get people offended. If you're asking me for a favor, then you should know that there's a 50/50 possibility of me saying YES to you, and also a 50/50 possibility of me saying NO to you. I feel like most people just focus too much on the first 50 percent chance on them getting a positive answer from you (which is good because we have to be positive) that they get very very disappointed when you don't give them the response they want. But the truth is, if they had left their mind open to the other 50/50 percentage of them getting a no, they wouldn't have been that disappointed.

We can't always have things our way, we should always remember that.

And this is one of the reasons why I decided to normalise saying NO to people because I want them to know that it's always going to be 50/50 with me, so whenever they decide to come ask me for a favour, they have to keep an open mind. And trust me when I say this, it was really hard when I first started. It's not really an easy task doing something a different way from the usual way people know. So I started by not beating around the bush anymore. Whenever my friends asked for my help on something I normally wouldn't do but won't say No to (instead I would beat around the bush and somehow make them understand that I don't want to do that stuff), I just started saying NO to them.

At first they thought I was being mean but then as time went on, they just got used to it and realized that I was saying NO to them, not because I wanted to be mean and not help, but because I just didn't want to do what they were asking me to do.

It's been a couple of years now since I started saying NO to some things and trust me when I say it has helped me avoid a lot of unnecessary stuff.

But please don't get the whole message wrong. It's good to help people especially if you can (I know I do), but if you don't feel like it, just know that there's absolutely nothing wrong in you saying "No, I can't help you" and you shouldn't feel bad when people say the same thing to you too because no one is entitled to anyone's help.


Ah yes, the yes-men, we all had and still have that trait inside of us somewhere, but sometimes you just have to be a bit "selfish" and put yourself first. And people really need to start understanding that a NO means NO, they need learn to be okay with a big ole, straight up and in your face NO.

Because as long as you make your way in life as a "yes-man" and try to please everyone around you, a time will come, when you are exhausted and have absolutely no time for yourself. And a person who has no time for themselves, isn't valued, or worthy enough for other people's time and attention.

Yes, beating around the bush is acceptable, but keep it as close as possible to the truth, and if the person opposite to you doesn't understand, then they simply don't have to, just walk away. Because if the person is understanding and mature enough, then they will surely understand the other person's point of view.


but sometimes you just have to be a bit "selfish" and put yourself first.

Exactly bro. Even if people don't understand you at first, they will soon learn to adapt to the new you. It's normal, humans learn and adapt everyday. We really have to start putting ourselves first from time to time.

It's cool helping out but if you don't feel like it, be comfortable saying you can't help.


Nowadays even beating around the bush and saying NO is too much work; if I'm not capable, then I'll probably ignore them for a bit. I've got way too many problems to take care of for now, going mad here. 😂
