Friends With Benefit


I was in high school the first time a lady walked up to me to tell me about her feelings towards me. And surprisingly unlike how most African ladies would think, I didn't see her as any less of a woman for doing what she did but instead, I admired her courage for being able to do something like that and then I said no to her, not because she wasn't beautiful or anything of that sort but because I was seeing someone at that time.

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Past experiences like this was what made me accept Ayo when she approached me and told me she liked me. But unlike that of my high-school, Ayo had a boyfriend that she wasn't ready to part with. And so when she had walked up to me, she requested instead that we be nothing other than friends with benefit, the no strings attached kinda relationship.

I had agreed to her request because I myself wasn't trying to start anything serious with anyone as at that time. And so we both carried on with our agreements until Ayo decided on her own to breach our simple agreement. And while I was getting tired of what we were both doing, she was falling in love.

When I noticed that she was starting to be sort of over protective and too caring towards me, I decided to revisit our agreement and perhaps refresh her memories, that was when I realized that things weren't as I thought. Ayo now saw me as her boyfriend, a position I wanted absolutely nothing to do with.

I decided to approach her and let her know that there was no way this was going to work before it all got out of hand but I was too late, Ayo was already head over heels In love me. And so I did the only logical thing available for me to do, I ended everything.

“What are you trying to say?”

“I'm done Ayo. Whatever it was that we were doing, it's over.. I'm done.” I had said to her.

But I will never forget what Ayo said to me before she walked out that door, she said “You will regret this”

And now, eleven years later, with my credentials in hand, I'm standing right in the presence of my soon to be boss. She was no other person than Amanda, the lady I had turned down in high school.

Ayo works at a hospital as a nurse.


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