Finding a Reason

Photo by charlesdeluvio

I've only had one physical job in my life to know that a lot of people hate their jobs, it makes them feel miserable. A lot more would love to quit but can't because of certain responsibilities and bills that they have to handle, and we all know that no job equals to no pay.

So how do you think these people cope? They all just find a reason to. A good and very popular reason is the bills I mentioned, while some just do it not because they're broke and have bills to pay but because they hate staying at home all day doing nothing. These are all good reasons but they're bad ones too.

My time working as a fuel attendant was a terrible one for me. I've written here how it felt like torture and how the pay was really poor. All of this was more than enough reasons for me to quit the job on the first month, and I would have if I hadn't given myself a reason not to. You see back then, I didn't exactly need to work because of bills or food or whatever, I had my parents to help take care of those. I only wanted to work because everyone else was working.

So it would have been pretty easy for me to had just quit, but then I gave myself a reason not to, a silly one. The young me fell for a coworker and I remember how I would happily go to work whenever we both had to work together, and I remember how long the days always felt whenever it wasn't her shift.

We would both walk home together every night and I remember I already named our future kids. But then I was brought back to reality when after a month, she quit. All of a sudden it felt like a piece of clothing was removed from my eyes and now I could see the whole job for the piece of shit it really was.

A month after she left, I also left, that was when I realized that all this while, the only reason I was able to get up in the morning to go to work and endure all of the bullshit was because I had found a reason to, and the moment that reason was no longer there, I could no longer cope.

So I guess what I'm trying to say is that if you happen to find yourself in a place of work that you don't want to be in but you must, give yourself a reason to want to be there. Bills and responsibilities are good ones but they're really not the best of reasons because that wouldn't make you enjoy your job, nothing about bills is fun to think of but when you find a really good reason, maybe instead of seeing that typing job as stressful, you see it as a way of training yourself on how to become the faster typist in the world even with your eyes closed, you just might go to work someday with a smile on your face.


😂 😂 Love is a very good motivator. You'll see yourself doing crazy things, like going to a job you hate. What ever happened to her? Are you guys still in contact?


She stopped because the job was stressful and we both stopped communicating because we didn't get as close as I wanted us to when she was working there.

So as time went on, we had lesser and lesser things to talk about and the whole thing just died a natural death.


Oh I can relate to that.


I am feeling curious to know why she left the job 😅??

Yes, we need reason because of what we need to do work. And the most possible reason can be the happiness of family or bringing smile in family members face..
