Everyone is a fraudster

Photo by Richard

Back in the day when I was a child, fraud was an act that was considered to be carried out by men and women who had the strongest of hearts because it was a huge deal back then. To me back then, deciding to defraud someone was probably seen as committing murder, that was probably why people who went into it were those who were ready for anything.

And that was why back then, they usually went big when defrauding people, because most of them wanted it to be a one-time something in order to not get caught. One time a Nigerian man had sold a fake airport to a Brazilian bank. Don't even ask me how that happened, just know it did.

Anyways, what I'm getting at was that fraud used to be something only few people who had the heart got into because everyone else was scared of getting caught and it was like this until about ten years ago or thereabout, slowly internet fraud started becoming a thing during that time and at first it wasn't a big deal because the guys that were moving into it weren't exactly kids either, these were people in their thirties.

But then as time moved on, it seem like this guys began to recruit the younger generations because they needed more hands to work for them, little minions, and that was when they (the minions) realized that you don't need a lot of equipments to be able to defraud someone. Back in the day, we used to think you needed some crazy equipment or black magic to make people believe the lies you were telling them in order to get money from them, and the moment they realized that they didn't need all that, it felt like a piece of black clothing was removed from their eyes and suddenly everyone could see a very bright future in fraud.

It soon became a virus that contacted anyone who didn't have self-control and wanted to get rich quick. They wanted to make in a day what took their fathers twenty years to make. Honestly, there was nothing wrong about that, it was just the route they had all chosen to make that money.

Today, I could throw a stone out in the street and I'm sure I would hit nothing less than fifty fraudsters in this street, depending on how far I throw. The whole thing has gotten so bad that unlike in the past where people had to hide the fact that they were fraudsters, now it's the complete opposite. If you happen to be someone who isn't into fraud, they call you a child, a novice, someome who doesn't know what's happening yet.

Today, it's either you're a fraudster or you're a fraudster, anything other thing than that and no one cares about you. This is one of the reasons why the police keeps on harassing the youths, because even they themselves have the same mentality, the "every young guy out there is a fraudster" kinda mentality.

Sadly, none of this would be stopping soon, not even in the next ten years and this is because the people who are suppose to stop it are also into fraud themselves, even the police.

Afterall, everyone is a fraudster.


It's condescending when the police harass youths indiscriminately in the guise of looking for fraudsters. The few bad eggs has given Nigeria bad name but categorizing everyone under one umbrella of fraudsters is damaging.


If you really look at the situation closely, you would realize that the few bad eggs are no longer few.. They've multiplied.


Everyone is a fraud from one perspective and I agree with it. In fact police is not different than a fraud also. In the current time there is no one whom we can trust blindly except some exceptions.


Absolutely no one.. Everyone is always looking for a way to get something for themselves and they don't care if it's at someone else's expense.


In the same way, every person who is what he is for himself, deceives others in the same way and keeps giving trouble to people by doing all the same things to make his life better.
