Brilliant Face

Photo by Dom Fou

Ever been in class having lecture and then the lecturer asks a questions which no one responds to, so he stop lecturing and instead pick someone from the class himself to answer the question. And of course that person always feel embarrassed whenever they just stand up and say nothing because they obviously don't have an answer to the question asked.

Do you remember how small the whole classroom would feel for that split second the lecturer takes to look for a student? It feels so small that you even pretend to be focused on the question asked or slightly bend your head down to avoid having eye contact with the lecturer (because we believe having a direct eye contact with him or her could result to them picking us to answer the question). And then when we hear them pick someone else, we let out a sigh of relief and pray that person gets the answer right or else the whole process begins again.

Well in most cases, I'm always the one being picked by the lecturers. I've always wondered why and a friend of mine had told me it's because of my face. He said I have this look that kinda gives this impression that I might have an idea of whatever is happening in the class, a brilliant face he called it. So whenever I get picked by the lecturers, they pick me not to humiliate or embarrass me in front of the class, but they pick me with hopes that I would get the answers right, which I don't most of the time.

They say it's a good face and maybe in the right environment it is but I know for a fact that it's not a good thing for me in school. Though I've had situations where the lecturer refused picking me because they feel I know the answer (even when I don't) and they want some of the unserious guys to answer the question so I play along and give them a more brilliant looking face, lol.

So I think it's safe to say the face has its good and bad days and today almost became one of those bad days. You see, I'm an engineering student and one thing about being an engineering student is that during practicals, we were always given circuits to build from time to time and if you weren't paying attention to the class when it was taught, you would fail no matter how long you play with the circuit because you just can't guess these things.

So I had paid less attention at the previous class not knowing that the lecturer was going to give us some class work this week. He had divided us into groups, with nothing more than three people in one group and he had given us a circuit to build. It was based on the previous class so I had nothing to contribute, all I did was watch and pay serious attention to what the other guys were doing because we all know that building the circuit was one thing, defending it was another.

Luckily for me, the guys on my group were brilliant students who also knew how to explain properly. After the explanation, we had taken the circuit to the lecturer and he had tested it and confirmed that everything we did was correct then he decided to ask a question.

I had hoped that he would start from the other two guys so that I could properly prepare myself but the man went straight for me. He asked me most of the questions and luckily for me, they were almost the same exact questions I had asked my group partners when building the circuit so I answered with a lot of confidence in my voice.

I wanted to let him know that it wasn't just a brilliant face, my brain was functioning properly too.


Hahaha 😂😂😂..........brilliant face indeed!

Lecturers hate it when they ask questions and no one responds, not even an attempt. The silence pushes his question to the group of rhetorical questions which he doesn't want. That is when he gives all the students a closer look and then pick someone (with your kind-of- brilliant face), whom he believes will not disappoint him.

In a situation like this, I feel like "why don't I know the answer???" and then, start wishing the answer will just pop into my head...........but if only wishes were horses 🐎🐎🐎, Lolz 😂😂😂.

Prayzz will not kill me with laughter here😂😂


Lol.. I'm starting to get used to getting picked among the crowd.. Most times all I do is just stand up and say nothing because I can't come and kill myself 😂
