Being Thankful

One thing I've come to notice on my own is that many of us look at life in a simple way and don't get to take a deeper look at it until something crazy (it can be something good or bad) happens to us and then we realize that there's more to life than just meet the eye.

About some weeks back, I was talking to my friends about how far we've come but how underappreciative we've all been to our success so far and that is because the higher we go, the bigger our target gets.

I remember there used to be a time back in the day when I and my friends wanted a bicycle so badly that the three of us decided to save money together to be able to afford one. We couldn't ask our parents because we all knew they wouldn't give us the money, so we all just decided to take matters into our own hands and would save our pocket money, hoping to raise enough to get a bicycle that the three of us can ride one after the other.

So about two or three weeks passed by and by this time, we had saved about one thousand naira. This was years ago and to us back then, one thousand naira was a lot of money and we needed the bicycle badly, so we decided we had enough and went to the market to ask how much getting a bicycle would cost.

I remember we had gone to this shop where they sold bicycles and we had pointed at the one we liked, only to be told it was being sold for twenty thousand naira, that means we needed twenty of the amount we had on us. I and my friends had exchange glances while trying to hold back our laugh before respectfully walking out of that store. We ended up getting those little kids wristwatches each for the three of us because we knew it would take us almost six months to raise the money for a bicycle and so our dreams of getting one was crushed by the price because we all couldn't wait that long.

But many years has gone by since that event and looking at myself today, I can comfortably afford a very good bicycle for myself but I don't want one. My taste has gone way higher and now getting a car is what's definitely on my mind and due to the fact that my taste has gone higher, I now happen to be neglecting the fact that some few years back, I couldn't afford that same bicycle and should be greatful to the fact that I now can afford it if I want to.

Unfortunately many of us aren't seeing it that way because our mind are focused on something else when I feel we should be thankful that that thing we thought was impossible to get all those years ago is now possible.

This is the reason why some people get depressed, they focus on the things they can't have and ignore the things they have or can afford.

Photo by Jonathan Borba


I wrote about something similar yesterday because of an encounter I had recently.

A lot of us don't feel grateful for what we have just because we are too bothered with what we don't have.

If many of us can take our time to count our blessings, we will have tons of reasons to be always grateful for how far we have come in life.


That is exactly my point brother. We focus too much on the things we don't have and that blinds us from seeing the things we already have.


Our desires changes with time. That's the reason we don't fulfill even if we capable to buy something we desired at past.
We are capable mean we improved a which we may not notice. So we should be thankful for it.


Yup you're right.. I guess that is why they say man can never be satisfied with what they have because we always keep wanting more.
