Becoming the sacrifice

Photo by Mulyadi

I've once written an article here asking you guys about the best way to tell your friends and acquaintances that they have mouth odors or body odors. I had asked that question because at the time I had someone that I truly was worried about who had this certain kind of odor coming from them and although I got a lot of suggestions here, I didn't have the courage to use any one of them because I knew that if I did, it probably would have led to them getting upset and it affecting our relationship.

But then of recent I've been really thinking about it because I hate the fact that someone I call my friend or an acquaintance would come sit right next to me and I won't be able to breathe properly just because of the odor coming from them. I hate it because I think of the embarrassment they probably face out there from strangers who don't know them and might not want to know them because of the odor and also because of the side talks people might have about them when they leave.

And that was why I decided to make myself the living sacrifice, I would rather tell my friends the truth and have them not talk to me anymore but try to fix their problem rather than not say anything simply because I don't want to ruin the relationship, because that would be me being completely selfish.

So I tried it, instead of beating around the bush I had gone straight to the point and talked to them about it, half expecting them to get angry and probably walk out on me but they didn't do that, they only thanked me and said they were going to work on it and then we sat in awkward silence for some few minutes before some other friend walked in and helped broke the silence.

Anyways I guess the point I'm trying to make is that sometimes there are no two ways about some things, you just have to face it heads on and not try to beat around the bush, we just have to choose our words carefully and not make it seem like a mockery but more of an advise coming from a concerned party, so our manner of approach matters a lot.

One last thing, we really shouldn't be selfish and not want to say anything to our friends because we fear of what might happen to our relationship with them, that shouldn't be our concern in situations like this and that is because for us to have their best interest at heart, we just have to be straight with them in certain situations, if not all situations.


o.o that's true sometimes people are scared to say something to their friends. sometimes it also depends on how close we are to them. just gotta have judgement call cuz sometimes things are better left unsaid


Sometimes even if you guys are really close, they might take it some way and keep their distance from you for a while because of how embarrassed they are depending on what truth you tell them.. I just believe it's all in the way we say it.


I think true friend should tell another friend weakness or fault or something else but in polite ways. Remember that you can say it gently but others word may be more embracing.


Yeah I agree with you.. We have to say the truth but also choose our words carefully not to embarrass them.
