Alcohol, the Freepass and The Confidence

Up until about a year ago, I never really was one to take alcohol. I remember the first time I had a taste of gin (the one they call spirit), I almost spat it out because of how bitter and harsh it was at the same time. But then peer pressure happened and I found myself taking a sip or two whenever I was hanging out with friends. But then on one faithful day, I had one too many drinks and got drunk.

Photo by Sérgio Alves Santos

You see I've always been a shy lad ever since I can remember and although I've tried working on not being shy in different aspect of my life, the one part that I just can't seem to work out is approaching the opposite gender and starting a conversation and I'm not even talking about trying to woo anyone but just having a normal conversation with a stranger that I would like to be friends with.

But then I soon realized that if there's one thing alcohol does, it is that it boost your confidence and just makes you belive that you can do and say anything to anyone and I didn't know this until I got drunk.

Photo by Sérgio Alves Santos

Back then there had been this lady that I liked just because of the way she carried herself and I wanted to be friends with her, unfortunately I couldn't approach her because of how shy I was, so I didn't say anything to her for months until that faithful day when I got drunk.

You see, one thing about being drunk is that you get a free pass at a lot of things because everyone knows you're drunk so they try not to take anything you say or do serious, at least until you're no longer drunk.

Well, in my drunken state, I had approached this lady for the first and introduced myself. I had told her my name and she had told me hers while smiling from ear to ear because she probably thought that it was cute that I was trying to have a meaningful conversation with her even though I was wasted. But the truth was that, although I was drunk and probably only had forty percent control over my stamina, I still knew what I was doing.

But the last thing I wanted was for her to know that, because then the free pass would no longer be there and if I had slipped up by mistake (probably due to the alcohol) and said something rude or offensive, she would have gotten upset and that would have ruined the whole thing.

So I tried having a conversation with her for about ten minutes and everything went perfect. Unfortunately my friends decided to leave and I had to leave with them, so we had to end the conversation before I staggered out of the room.

I saw her the next day and even though I remembered everything that happened the previous night, I couldn't bring myself to say a word to her aside from the usual greetings and this was because the shyness was back. So yeah, maybe taking alcohol isn't a good thing especially health wise, but I do wish I can have just the confidence that comes with taking alcohol without actually taking it.


I do not agree with you that alcohol can bring confidence. You are a shy person and because of alcohol you crossed your self-created limit and were able to talk to her. You are saying it now because the result was positive in your case. If the result would negative, then you might say the opposite thing. In my opinion, alcohol is the thing for which we lose control of us and I don't support it even if it brings positive results because the risk is huge also at the same time. I want to say it is an unnecessary risk.

I just shared my opinion and I hope you don't mind it😅.


No I honestly don't mind and I think I do agree with you to some point. Alcohol really shouldn't be something that should be encouraged but I really do think that it does boost your confidence.. But whether you do something good or bad with that confidence depends on you and how drunk you are. There are people who've raped other people because they were drunk so I do not disagree with the negative side you mentioned 🙂.
