A blessing and a curse


Disclaimer : This is me letting my mind take control and be in charge of everything written here today. Some of it might look like I'm going crazy but I'm not. I'm just a young man who's got a lot of free time on his hand to think about a lot of relevant and irrelevant things and that is what I've been doing lately.

Photo by Daniel Jensen

If it's ever possible for someone to go mad due to them overthinking all the time, then I think I might be nearing that stage.

For weeks now, I've been having several stages of something I call a mental exposure, where it's as if my inner eyes were opened and now I could see the world a lot differently from how I used to look at it. And luckily for me, I've been able to document most of those eye opening moments here, even though I feel that most of what I write here sounds like a madman scrabbling on paper, trying to write out everything the voices in his head are saying to him as quickly as possible in order for him not to get more insane than he already is.

Damn..I'm doing it again. I'm putting together a bunch of words that probably won't make sense to the lots of you who unfortunately would be reading this after I'm done but you see, I promise you I'm not going mad, I just have been indoors for way too late and need to get out to the real world and interact with people. I'm sure all of this happening to me right now is nothing a breath of fresh air can't solve.

Anyways, what I've been trying to say all this time is that I now view the world differently and now see people for what they really are. I know better now to make peace with the people around me because death is random. I know to give myself some well-deserving respect and not waste my time chasing after a lady who feels she's too beautiful to say yes to any guy the first time they ask her out. I know to laugh and live life to the fullest and enjoy every moment with the people around me because soon enough, today will become a memory, one I would wish to relive but won't be able to.

It's a blessing and a curse, this thing that I call a mental exposure, because on one hand it helps me see the importance of everything and everyone around me and on the other hand, it makes people think that I'm crazy when I try explaining it to them, which I always try to do because I've realized that a lot of people don't know the importance of living in the moment.

Unfortunately all I can do is hope, hope that someday we all get to see how short life is and how little we pay attention to a lot of beautiful things happening everyday in our lives, and when that day comes, I hope it won't be too late.


You do sound a bit crazy 🤣 but to your own benefit. You realize how important those around you are and prevent yourself from spending time on irrelevant things.

Mental exposure - I also believe that's the right word for it, a double-edged sword.


I guess I'm just seeing things a little too fast, that's all.


And yeah, it's indeed a double-edged sword.
