Your CO2 footprint too big? No bank account!

No conspiracy theory no more

It was one of the smaller articles on the website this week. Not a headline, merely a footnote. But in my opinion it was one of the most important news items of the last days.

The German branch of ING has now officially announced that the bank will shit down bank accounts of businesses with a carbon footprint that is too big in the eyes of the bank. There’s even more, businesses that don’t want to disclose their CO2 footprint will also lose their account or won’t be able to open one with ING Germany!

It is not a conspiracy theory anymore, it has become of a truth, just as so many conspiracy theories have in the past.

It’s just for businesses

That’s the response some people gave me. It’s just for businesses, so don’t have to worry. Well, I don’t agree with that. First of all, the bank has no business with knowing the carbon footprint of any business, period. And, more importantly, it starts with businesses and it ends with the common man.
This ia a perfect stepping stone to a CO2 budget per person, and CBDC’s are perfectly fit for that.

This is a very scary evolution which we should not take lightly. It is very important we stand up to these evolutions. The perfect way is just cutting out the banks altogether and go completely for crypto currencies. Decentralisation makes these kind of control measures impossible with crypto.

Just a visa card coupled to your crypto portfolio and you still can use fiat. The best of both worlds!

Stay free!




It will become a problem within the next 3 years. This is the direction the world is heading and it is dangerous. 2026 is when all businesses have to reveal their carbon footprint reduction plans as it will be monitored in Europe and it will spread globally. Those companies involved with any European trade it will happen far sooner in 2025.


It's just like there are a lot of problems with banks now and people are going to use them less and less and they're going into bitcoin which is very good for their future.
