Viktor Orban wants to dismantle the European Commission!


Super spending commission

Unlike the European Parliament, the European Commission is not an elected organ. The people that are in the European Commission were put there by their respective governments. Mostly outplayed domestic politicians, without a future in their country. But still they are making the policy in an overspending organisation where nobody needs to pay taxes on their exuberant wages.

So, now Orban wants to get rid of this institution and he is damn right about it. It brings nothing to the table, except extra legislation and more costs for the European citizens.

Europe needs to downsize

Right now around 30000 people are employed by the European instances. None of them pay taxes, but they cost the taxpayers billions of Euros per year. It is about time that Europe starts downsizing and cuts on its expenses. People like Orban should be applauded for such moves, because as things are going right now, civil unrest and a split up of the Union is closer than ever before!


