Live Mcgi care. 12/05/2022

If we have the ability to reach out to people, and tell them about the love of Christ by preaching the gospel, let us all reach out to them and take good care of the poor ones and those that are hungry, give them food and shelter, show them love, by doing this, they may try to join us in worshiping the almighty God.

We have to remember every moment that God have His eyes on us, we need to learn how to be panic of God and do whatever it is He commands us to do.

It is necessary to render help to our family members when we are chanced to do so without giving making any complain because they have once helped us all when we didn't have power to work, when we were baby and young

The bible instruct us to honor and respect our parent but it's not just our parents but those that have impacted in our life or those that are older than us.

It is important to love those that detest us, that that we call our enemies. It is an commandment from almighty God to do so. Feed them when they are hungry, it's a right to feed them. If they need anything and we have the power to give it to them, we should give to them because by doing that, they may later become our friend.

At every area we find ourselves as a child, we have to be hardworking and give respect to our parents. Because almighty God is really watching us and whatever we do, we would recieve the same reward when we grow old.

  • We are inviting you to join the MCGI Cares (Hive) community that study the words of God and also earn some reward by making our reactions on it. We can check this link


Due to some circumstances, the publishing rules of our Hive community have to change. The changes are as follows;
✅ Do not include any verse in the post, if we want we can add some screenshots of the verse inside our post.
Minimum of 400 words in a single post.
✅ Pls include a personal video
✅ It is good if we can answer these 3 simple questions when making our Hive post.

  1. What are the important points we have learned from God's words discussed in the Zoom meeting?

  2. What are our old beliefs or expectations that were improved by listening in the Zoom meeting?

  3. How does the study affect us that can make us a better person that we can use in our daily lives?

We suggest adding more of our personal reflection on the topic discussed, I can give an example here,

Matthew 28:20 - we have learned that we are to obey the commandment of the Lord and preach the gospel in all nations until the end comes but who are the main people who will preach, it is in the church of God as it is written

1 Peter 2:9 - God's people have the obligation to preach the gospel that is found in the one body. In this way we can always add our personal reflection and understanding, we can avoid mass quoting the whole verses.

We have to apply this to avoid any conflict from other communities. I hope we understand, God help us.
