What Would You Do?


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There are some scenarios that would leave you speechless and many others that would make you question the sanity of many others too. There are some things that defy common sense but still, it doesn't mean we don't have humans that would do these things. We have so many funny humans in this world and I won't put anything past anyone.

I got a call that I have a delivery downstairs and I went. As I was getting down the stairs, I saw the elderly man carefully positioning the package with his bike on one side. He was very respectful despite his age and I returned the gesture. I was still processing in my head where the order came from as I was still gently getting down the stairs. I didn't want to waste my time only to know it wasn't for me but still, what do I have to lose? Time, apparently 😂🤣.

I got downstairs and to my surprise, this elderly delivery man opened one of the bowls and he was telling me as he was licking the ice cream inside it that they have stopped producing this but because the person who ordered it for me ordered early before they stopped, that's why I'm privy to this ice cream. I said, okay? Can I know who sent it, please? I asked as I stood in front of him, shocked by his unprofessional attitude while he was still kicking. He said he didn't even know and he didn't bother asking but he found a small note beside it and I got to know the order was sent by a friend of mine and he said it's "Easter Treat".

I stood there watching the man take bits by bits from the orders but he didn't touch the food section, just the ice cream, fruits and some other sweety edibles. He was taking them one by one and he was still being respectful. He was still calling me sir and yet he kept raiding my orders. What was I to do? Shout at the old man? But he was respectful, I thought to myself. I asked him when can I sign and then take my orders, that was when he stopped, covered everything back and the funny part was where he brought out paper tapes to fix all the ones he had taken from. He even labelled them.

I got the orders and as I was climbing the stairs that was when I woke up. Whew! It was a dream. I was even surprised with my own calmness because naturally, I would have asked the man if he was okay upstairs in his head and then find the name of the company and tell them I have rejected the orders and they should refund my friend. That would mean the man losing his job and would it be fair? If I don't report, what makes me think he won't do the same to others? Let's be sincere, if this happened to you in real life, how would you handle it? I would love to know your thoughts.

This post also appeared here and it's my original work on my blog on Read.Cash. You will find this post later (after posting it here) on my Whaleshares, Steemit, Blurt, Tipestry, Torum, UHive and Serey account, all with the same username; Olawalium.

Thank you for your time.

My pen doesn't bleed, it speaks, with speed and ease.

Still me,

My tongue is like the pen of a ready writer.

Olawalium; (Love's chemical content, in human form). Take a dose today: doctor's order.
