Today I am here to share a photography post with you. Today is a very special day for us.

Like every day, moment I came to you with a new post. moment I'm then to partake a photography post with you. moment is a veritably special day for us., which means International Mother Language Day. This day is an occasion to express our respect and love for mama lingo. So I allowed I would partake with you an art or a bones post on the occasion of this day. But that did not be presently. I do not have any art or color accoutrements to post because I am visiting. That is why I came to you with a photography post as opposed to an art or die post. Actually these photos were captured on my phone long agone but not participated with you. So I allowed let's partake the photos with you moment. So let's take a look at the photos.





In the picture above you can see a tomato factory. The tomato factory has numerous flowers and tomatoes in some places. At that moment I captured this print on my phone. I like to do similar vegetable or vegetable flower photography. Hope you like this beautiful photography of tomato flower. This is the photography of sim factory and sim flower. sap are one of my favorite downtime vegetables. And the flowers of the sim are amazing. Pink and white are the colors of this sim flower. I captured this print on my phone to partake with you each when I visited grandpa house in the autumn.



This is Coriander splint flower photography. My forefather planted a small patch of coriander leaves in the yard for his own consumption. Due to the long time, the shops of coriander leaves have grown veritably big and flowers have come. The flowers of coriander leaves are also veritably beautiful to look at. Small flowers of white coriander leaves look amazing among the green leaves. It's a type of evanescent factory. I like these shops veritably much. Planting these shops in the yard of the house looks veritably beautiful. They used to be abundant in my forefather's house. Now there are only twotrees.However, a beautiful tree is born from it again, If the branch of this tree is cut and buried in the ground. These lush shops look veritably beautiful because of the unheroic sprinkled design among the green.



These fruits were laid from a flowering factory. These fruits were caught on unfolding shops. I can not flash back the name of the flower factory right now. I took this beautiful snap with the evening sky. I participated the photography with you because I like it. This was my photography post for moment. Be sure to let us know in the commentary what you suppose of the post. I'm leaving then moment. See you latterly with a new post, inshallah.

Device. OPPO-A16
