Some wonderful photography of flowers


First of all good downtime morning everyone 💐 how are you all? Hope you all are well by God's grace. Alhamdulillah I'm also fine by the grace of Allah. moment I present to you with my new blog. Some great arbitrary photography I have taken. Hope you all like it. Let's get started.

Some great arbitrary photography I have taken.




Always trying to find commodity different. history I went out to do some photography. also I came across this little wild fruit. Although the flower looks exactly like a jaba flower. But what if it's a wild fruit, there's no lack of beauty in the flower. I like the flower veritably much. I saw it for the first time.




moment we all went to visit my family Wahida's house. He has a beautiful roof theater , so I decided in advance that I'll go to their house and take some beautiful filmland. We were all invited to their house moment. That is why we all left at noon. We had to eat and drink. I went and attended so that we can all sit together and dish a little and pass the time nicely. Going some distance further, I saw another cut crown tree. The flowers of this factory are veritably small. I've planted a branch of this tree, my tree also bloomed, but the color of the flower has alsochanged.However, the flowers would have bloomed beautifully, If there was sun in my deck. The flower color of this tree was veritably beautiful.




I went there and saw that his cuisine wasn't yet complete. When the cuisine was finished, we all ate together. also in the autumn I allowed that I would go to the roof and take some filmland. I went to the roof and was surprised that his trees weren't there at all. Because gardening requires a lot of time and conservation. Seeing that Soma might not be suitable to give that time, this is the state of the tree moment. Indeed also, there were some filmland on one or two trees, so I took some filmland from there. I saw another cut crown tree that bloomed small flowers but that color was a little different. Looking down again another color. I gave this flower branch to him. This tree has grown veritably big in my deck but I saw his tree is a little small but it's blooming beautifully.

Location Bangladesh
Device. OPPO-A16


The flower images that my friends have shown are quite interesting.
