Some random photography


how are you all I hope you're veritably well. I'm also veritably well. moment I'm back with a new post as usual. It has been veritably cold recently. The rainfall was veritably bad for two days. There was no sun. But moment the sun has risen veritably nicely in the morning. But what will be when the sun rises but the effect of the cold wave isn't cut important. Although it was sunny outdoors, it was veritably cold in the house. Seeing the sun rise outdoors, mama washed some clothes in the morning. generally, utmost of the clothes are washed in our washing machine, so drying isn't a problem. still, there are some clothes that aren't suitable to put in the washing machine. And mama washes those clothes by hand.





Seeing the sun rise outdoors, mama washed the clothes and went to the roof to dry them. Me and mama followed each other on the roof. After a long time going to the roof, it felt so good. And also because of the strong sun on the roof, it felt indeed better. I saw some veritably beautiful flowers planted on the roof. These chrysanthemum flowers looked veritably seductive among so numerous flowers. Chrysanthemums were in full bloom on the entire tree. And the color of this flower is just amazing. If the flowers have started to dry up a bit. Still, it was enough cool to watch. Seeing similar beautiful flowers in front of the eyes, what can be done without photography? So I did some photography on my own. Indeed though I'm not veritably good at photography, I love to snap flowers.




Then I've participated a photography of marigold flowers. Marigold is one of the downtime flowers. Different types of marigolds are now less common. But this type of marigold flower is veritably rare. We've several marigold shops on the roof of our house that have been planted before downtime. presently, all of them have one or two flowers. And the flowers are veritably nice to see.




Then I've participated the photography of a cactus factory. I like these cactus further than all other types of cactus shops. Because they do not have cuts. And they look important nicer. The white color around the green aesthetics veritably nice. And these cacti can also be used as inner shops. But I put it on the veranda . A many days agone , I cut some corridor from an aunt in the neighboring house and put them on. overgrown from veritably small to well grown in a matter of days. The bigger the trees, the further beautiful they look. This is the photography of white color Kalmi flower. I like these flowers veritably much. I like it more because it's white in color. And Kalmi vegetables are veritably delicious to eat. The flowers of wild kalmi are pink in color and the flowers of these kalmi are white in color.

Device. OPPO-A16
