Some random photography.


how are you all I hope you're doing well by God's mercy. I'm also veritably happy with your prayers. I'm going to start moment's new post with felicitations and congratulations to all its sisters and musketeers. moment I've come to you with different stages of photography. I hope you'll like these photos. I'm then again moment. moment I'll partake another content with you. moment's content is arbitrary photography. I'm veritably fond of photography. When I see commodity in front of my eyes, I incontinently take a snap of it. Photography involves a different feeling. I try to make a difference in photography. Everything can be done in photography. But in photography, the filmland have to be captured by the camera in different ways. So without farther ado, let's see the photos.





Beautiful butterfly sitting on a various flower. I also liked the butterfly. Because it's veritably sunny in the autumn. And at the moment the photography was done in the same way that the camera can be captured veritably nicely on the mobile phone. As lovely as the flower looks moment, the butterfly sitting on it seems to have increased in beauty. I took this beautiful flower photography while visiting Satkhira Akash Neela Eco Tourism Park. This beautiful photography still reminds me of that beautiful day of traveling to Sundarbans.





perhaps some people know it and some people don't. In our language it's called Krishnachura tree. Krishnachura tree is veritably nice to see, especially its leaves. All leaves are the same size. The flower that I'm participating now is an unknown flower. I don't know the name of this flower. I mugged this flower from a place a many days agone . The flower looks amazing. I really like the color of this flower.



People from different places brought several trees from their rooftop auditoriums to change trees with given people. Anyway, I've appeared with a new post like every day. I'll partake some photography with you moment. In fact, I can not do photography that much, also I try a little harder for everyone to see. numerous people in this group of mine take veritably beautiful beautiful photography which I like to see. So let's stop talking and see the photos.

Location Bangladesh
Device. OPPO-A16
