Some of my flower photography

How are you all? You must be veritably well. Alhamdulillah. moment after numerous days we all went to the theater together. Family came because she had a vacation. As her child's Madrasah is near then, we all got together to celebrate the two- day vacation. I went to the theater to get flora and vegetables for lunch. I set up several brickbats on the tree. The fruit of Amila tree is nearly ripe and we took the fruit from the tree for pickling and we all sat together and separated the seeds and red sour fruit part. Pickle will be prepared hereafter with these. There were various papayas on the tree, we must pick them or from hereafter all the catcalls will be food for batons. Cleverly, two bamboo mosquito nets are placed around the tree, so that the catcalls can not eat the papaya directly, but they eat as important as they can through the gaps. So one day after another, I've to go to the theater to check whether the papayas have grew. This time, the fruit of Kartik month was inaptly given by the shopkeeper in the downtime season, so there wasn't important yield in the fruit. The Thankuni leaves have turned red due to lack of water and some meadows are covered with weeds.





Coriander leaves are green in appearance and smell veritably good. We use it to ameliorate the smell of curries while cuisine. The flowers of this coriander splint are also veritably good looking. Coriander is made from the flowers of Coriander leaves which we use as a spice. The taste of meat cooked with raw coriander batter with adipose funk in layoffs is inimitable. I hope you'll like Coriander flower photography. Photography of the first drop of brinjal flower. Eggplant Flower Color Purple As the color of eggplant. These beautiful bright flowers are sure to catch the eye. Again, the first flower of the tree will attract attention a little else. So I took a quick picture of the first drop of eggplant flower.




These two flowers above are also incredibly beautiful This flower is the flower of two grafted vegetables These white flowers are also emotional Everyone may be familiar with Kalmi Shak Kalmi flora are a little bigger and when they're old, this type of flower blooms also the grafted vegetable theater looks incredibly beautiful I hope you all will like the two photos of Kalmi Shaak flowers taken by me By looking at these two filmland, I hope you'll know the identity of this flower Because when downtime comes we all eat different downtime vegetables Meanwhile, sim sabzi is common These two flowers are sim vegetables Sim flowers are also only white in color But it's a bit various And it looks incredibly beautiful Hope you all like my Toli photography




These two flowers are Babri Shaak, or is it the flower of a vegetable I do not flash back the name of the vegetable now But these two are flowers of one factory It looks incredibly beautiful On the other hand, if you go to the vegetable theater in our townlets, the flowers of this vegetable can be seen in nearly every vegetable theater I like the beauty of this flower veritably much I hope everyone will note and let me know how you feel After seeing the photography of these two flowers, everyone knows the flowers still, the fuss about these flowers has dropped now These flowers are still in the vill Although the beauty of the flower has dropped, but still there's the actuality of this flower in the field Anyway, actually these flowers are mustard flowers The beauty of mustard flower is like to impress again and again Hope you all like the photography So musketeers, that is it moment Everyone will be fine and healthy I hope you'll like my photos Thank you veritably much everyone for taking the time to view my post Talk again, see you in another blog Thank you all for being by my side for so long

Device. OPPO-A16


Beautiful flowers. No doubt nature is very charming. I love the variety you chose for the photos. Very nice. Regards.
