Some microcosms and some flower photography


Hello my blog family. Good morning everyone How are you all? Hope you all are well by God's grace. Alhamdulillah I'm also fine by the grace of Allah. Everyone will be careful this downtime. I'm starting moment's post by wishing everyone good health. Photography)- Some of the stylish photography I've taken. Hope you all like it. Let's begin. Jaba flower is a favorite flower of everyone. More or less everyone likes jaba flowers. before, jaba flowers were seen in everyone's house. Now it's seen less and less. I like the red flowers a little better.




I didn't know the name of this flower. latterly, I searched through Google and set up out that the flower's name is Calliandra harrisi. The flower is as beautiful as it looks. Also the name of the flower is beautiful. These flowers look really amazing. numerous of us can not eat the gourd vegetable. Among them I also like to eat veritably little. But I eat it sometimes fried with bitter gourd and egg. Bitter gourd vegetable is veritably salutary for our body. That is why you need to eat a little more.




Now we're going to the photography phase. before I used to partake with you the photos of flowers in my theater . But now it's far from getting flowers, it's delicate to find flowering shops. And I like doing flower photography veritably much. Long time no flower photography is participated with you. But I searched my mobile phone a lot and saw some photos taken3/4 months agone . moment I'll partake those photos with you. Hope you like it.



When I was shooting the gourd vegetable. I saw the gourd flower right next to it. Small unheroic flowers look veritably beautiful. I plucked a flower and took a picture. After that I put the flower in one place and tried to snap it in my own way. This was my plan for moment. We always try to give you commodity good. I hope you all like my photos. How did you feel? Hoping for your opinion. I said farewell then moment. I wish everyone to be well and stay healthy.

Device. OPPO-A16
