Photography :- Random Photography.

I hope everyone is well and healthy. I'm relatively well by the grace of Allah. Like every day, moment I came to you with a new post. For the once many months I've been trying to partake at least one photography post with you every week. To maintain that durability, moment I came to you with another photography post. moment I've appeared among you with the photography of Purtalika flowers of different colors. In numerous areas, this flower is called the lawn flower and in numerous areas, the time flower is also called. In our area it's called Ghassful but its original name is Purtalika.




moment I'm back among you with a new post. I like photography veritably much. Wherever I go I come hung up with photography. We're girdled by the beauty of nature. Just need to enjoy a little. And there's no deficit of natural beauty in the pastoral terrain. So you can enjoy the beauty of nature from veritably close. And either, wherever I go, I capture beautiful scenes on camera. I'll partake with you some similar beauty photography that I've captured. Hope you like it. The photos are taken from different locales. I've added the position below the photos.




We all love green nature. This beauty fluently captures all of our hearts. The photography features leaves and flowers of the gourd factory. The flower was dark unheroic in color and the leaves were dark green in color. In fact, I liked the strong one so I captured it. The flowers of the Chichinga tree are white in color, which is veritably popular. Why does Jane suppose that a white puck is lying in the blood of green nature.


Now that downtime is then. So when you get up in the morning, you see dew on everything, including theplants.However, you can get a lot of great photography, If you go out for photography in the morning during the downtime. So I went to the nursery together in the morning a many days agone . After visiting the nursery, I saw numerous beautiful dews on the flowers and leaves. Suddenly I saw dew falling on the leaves of the rose and on the cub. So I took the photography without staying.



There are numerous kinds of flowers around us. Wild flowers are also seen in cornucopia. But numerous times when you see different types of wild flowers, you do not believe that they're wild flowers. That happed to me too. A many days ago I went up to our roof. After leaving I saw this beautiful flower. I allowed they might be flowers. But after asking my hubby he said they're wild flowers. I liked the flower more. So I could not do full photography.

Location Bangladesh
Device. OPPO-A16
