I liked seeing this unknown flower very much. So I caught it on camera as soon as I saw it.


Hello musketeers, how are you all? Hope everyone is well. I'm also veritably well by the horizonless mercy of Allah. moment I came to you with some of my photography. Due to being veritably busy, it's been a while since I participated a photography post with you. So I allowed I'd partake some arbitrary photography with you moment. moment I'll partake with you some veritably beautiful flowers and nonentity filmland. I'm always among you with some simple photography Come on. Hope you like these simple photography that I took. I took all the photography from around my house. So let's see what photography we've brought to you moment.





I like to see any kind of grasshopper. The color of this grasshopper is unheroic and black. The grasshopper looks beautiful. shooting grasshoppers is reallydifficult.However, they snappily fly down to another place, If a person goes near it. So one has to be veritably careful while shooting grasshoppers. The grasshopper was sitting on the flower. also I sluggishly approached it and mugged it. In the first snap we see a veritably beautiful lawn flower. The flower of the lawn is unheroic in color and its leaves are dark green in color. These meadows grow veritably large. This lawn is substantially planted in fields to feed cows and scapegoats. We've this lawn in a field near our house. Whenever I saw the flowers in the field of lawn, I captured them on my camera.




Mustard flowers are veritably pleasing to me. Whenever I see a mustard flower, I capture it on my camera. This photography was done relatively some time agone . Who doesn't like seeing unheroic mustard flowers. Mustard flowers are small in size but veritably beautiful to look at. Each flower has four petals. I loved seeing this unnamed flower. So I caught it on camera as soon as I saw it. And now participating it with you. The flower looks further beautiful as it's light white in color. I hope you'll like this flower veritably much.




Eventually, I brought a beautiful photography of a butterfly. Actually the butterfly looks veritably beautiful. I've noway seen such a butterfly ahead. I saw this butterfly for the first time that day. The butterfly is sanguine brown in color. Its two eyes are dark red in color and the middle part is black in color. Due to the red eyes, the beauty of the butterfly has increased a lot. Hope you like these photos that I participated moment. As always, you'll be by my side with your nice commentary. Ending then moment. I'll appear with a new post in the future. Everyone will be fine, stay healthy.

Device. OPPO-A16


Several types of flowers that I saw were all very beautiful
