Night Run


I just finished a 7.133km running that lasted about 0hh:31mm:43ss !


Once again, laziness almost got the best of me, and I almost skipped the run. But I finally decided to go for a short one, so I can try going a bit faster. But after the first mile, I realized I didn't have the legs or lungs to get under 7 min/mile, which is now my reference for 'faster' runs. In the end it's still kind of a short run, just under 4.5 miles. But the pace is okay around 7:10 min/mile.

I changed up the route a bit, but stayed on the local streets of course. Like I said several times, it's easier at night, and it gives me lots of options in terms of distance, without ever being too far from home if I decide to run back directly. It probably rained/snowed a little before I set off, because the ground was a bit more wet than I thought and my feet were quickly soaked. It would have been annoying for a longer run. Lots of deer tonight again. It's always funny to see their glowing eyes in my headlamp light. A couple of ones ran in front of me for a while, they didn't know where to flee.

Like I mentioned last time, I'm hoping to run more miles at the beginning of the month, so let's see if I can add a few more this week end. Till then, keep Exhausting!

Check out some detailed info at my EXHAUST page
Join me in testing out EXHAUST!


Aha, I ran two days ago And I achieved to make les than 7 minutes ! But it was for a kilometer and not a mile :')


Good job going for a run. When winter comes, many people tend to stay indoor way too much. But crisp cold air feels good!
