Flood disasters are influenced by human actions and the government is less concerned with nature


One of the causes of the flood that hit around us is very likely to be influenced by weak river embankments or even no dikes at all.

Therefore, we as humans must preserve this nature by creating a solid river embankment to prevent the overflow of river water so that small and large flood disasters do not occur.

In Aceh in particular and Indonesia in general, it is very prone to natural disasters, including floods that hit every region in Indonesia, one of the reasons is the weakness of river embankments.


The other causes of the flood disaster were caused by human activities who did not preserve nature by illegally cutting trees in the forest so that the forest was bare.

Because that's the cause of flooding that hit the area because there is no longer a barrier or absorption of water in the mountains or forests.


That's why we as inhabitants of this universe, let's preserve this nature properly to prevent disasters both by protecting the forest and also the nature around us properly.

One way to prevent the flood disaster is to cultivate trees in the forest and in the environment around us.


