What to see more at the National Museum of Marine Biology and Aquarium in Kenting Taiwan?


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From the previous blog shared months ago about our weekend driving around Kaoshiung I shared about the National Museum of Marine Biology. What was featured are the different types of corals then followed by several fishes. Thus, what else to expect in a 96.81-hectare park?


If my memory was right, I mentioned before this unique way of featuring underwater scenes could be which was the shipwreck. Yet, now that we are on the second floor we happened to have a better view.

It looks realistic though isn't it? I even had a picture taken with this background.


And I was a little bit surprised to see a diver! Nope not for snorkeling but doing some maintenance.


I know it's not that easy so Kudos to you Mr.

Next to this are different species properly labeled for everyone's information.


No, it was not a stick, but was it a snake or a worm? One is I am sure it's a fish!

Initially, I wanted to share a lot but only now I realized that it was the husband's phone was used. Well, I forgot to get a copy and this is only what I had on mine.


From here we proceeded to the next wing! Feeling excited about what we can see!

Turns out we are heading to........


So it seemed I will be seeing here the white whale imprinted in our ticket.


But first, we passed by here, looks like a small theatre where you can choose to sit if tired of walking. While resting you can still enjoy as there was a big screen where you could see a video of activities. By whom? By this different sea species. What was good it didn't focus only on one area or angle so it was still like you toured around.


There were a lot of photographs on the wall along with some informative explanations but this one caught my attention. Was curious about what is this for. So the husband and I cautiously entered and were awed! Turns out you can hear here different sounds of whales and other sea mammals. At first, was I even startled! It was foreign to my ears!


Finally, we reached the big aquarium where the white whale was kept. Yet it was so energetic and kept on swimming back in forth. Hmmm, trying to give us a show? Tried my best and this is the most decent shot.


Yes, it was that huge!

We've been taking a lot of time here so we decided to head out but couldn't help but snap photos of these colorful creatures!

Who could resist them? I know we are supposed to move but then I chose to stay for a while as they are mesmerizing! Not every day I got a chance to see a jellyfish! Aside from what we avoided on the beaches, lol!


As we go out, it's only now I notice these man-made stone-like walls with artificial water running like small falls! Creative I must say.

Reaching the car, our companion asked, did you see the penguins?

We are both like , huh, there is none!

Only to know that;


When we went out here to look for food I only noticed this sight. I even admired the wonderful scenery, standing for a while on the railings while feeling my lungs with the fresh air.


I was even slightly envious of an old man sitting holding a cup of maybe tea or coffee.

Then on the other side, we thought was a dead end!


We are wrong as this is where the penguins are! The show I mean! We missed it and felt regretful thinking how much we spent on the ticket!

Thus, there are still a lot of something new experiences so it was still a fantastic weekend!

Lesson learned: make sure to research next time what expect to see in our next travels.

Lead image was edited using Canva
All photos are mine otherwise stated
Footer credit to Sensiblecast


still the Taiwan Series Sista?
happy New year to you and the family. Hope you and the baby inside are doing ok. : )



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Some of the species I've seen here in sg, like what to be appeared as worm..😌😌


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