Is mining still profitable?


Authored by: @hetty-rowan


Ways to earn with Crypto currency

Of course, looking for ways to earn with cryptocurrency is something we are all concerned with. And that there are several ways to achieve that will certainly not be a secret. I am therefore not telling anything new at all.

By now we all know how to find our way in blogging, we know how to earn cryptocurrency by buying it and seeing the value of our tokens increase. But we also all know the pain of a major price drop for the token you purchased. It is one of the risks in cryptocurrency.

No technical explanation for trading from me

And it is precisely the price fluctuations that make it a market in which you must be constantly on your guard, but where you can also profit from it. I am not at all familiar enough with the secrets of trading to write a technical explanation about it. And because I consider myself quite a 'newbie' on the traders market, I also find it very difficult to make huge profits. I understand too little about trading charts, I have no technical knowledge of the candlesticks, I lack all the knowledge about the important triangles that one needs to be able to pay attention to in order to be able to predict somewhat what the price will do, and as a result are not yet able to take big profits. Also, because at times I threatened to suffer from the FOMO, and so quickly changed my order, which turned the big profit that I had actually hoped to grab into 10 to 15 satoshis at the most. Well, long story short ... I urgently need more knowledge about trading and I really need to learn more about it so that I can 'read the cards' and understand what people are talking about when talking about candlesticks and important triangles .

Could MINING be the thing?

Because this knowledge cannot be gained 'overnight', of course, I decided to read about mining after a good conversation with my partner. After all, we both have PCs, and I feel less of a newbie when it comes to PC. I'm not so afraid to change things about that. And installing a program is also something I'm not so afraid of. My partner is even more technical than I am with his IT past and is certainly not afraid to install and figure things out. Hell, he was even willing to invest in a new graphics card if it turned out that mining could be really lucrative these days. And believe me, when he said that I almost jumped in the air, because this is the first time in all my time in crypto that he's showing any serious interest.

Searching the internet for information

So okay, look for information on mining. Because I've heard several people say that mining crypto, especially ETH, is still really worth it. And that you can even mine with a Raspberry Pi. Now that would be great fun, because we also have a Raspberry Pi 4 here ...

If you are now also interested in mining, keep an eye on three things. You need a PC, you need internet. A stable connection. At least 20mb / s is recommended. And you need a CPU or GPU. In general, you can say here that the better your graphics card is, the better you can mine.

What is mining?

To put it very simply, mining is placing a new block on the blockchain. For this, your PC must be able to solve mathematical calculations at a fast pace. And the PC that did that first gets the block reward. Sounds very simple ... But is it that simple? And more important than that ... is it still lucrative? Can anyone mine?

For this we have to consider a number of things. Since the demand and interest in Bitcoin has increased enormously, and many people discovered that mining could make a nice penny with it, mining for Bitcoin has become an impossible task for most people. It is best to imagine this with the following picture in mind. You are on an island where you are 100% sure there is a treasure chest hidden there. You are alone on the island AND you also have a map WHERE that treasure is hidden. Easy to find, right? That was a bit of mining for Bitcoin in the early years of Bitcoin. You knew for sure that you could mine Bitcoins if your equipment was suitable. And that wasn't even terribly difficult in the beginning. Most PCs with a graphics card could mine.

Later it got more difficult. Compare it with the fact that on the island where you were previously only looking for that treasure, more and more people came to look for that same treasure. This greatly reduces the chance that you will be the one to find the treasure.

That is also what happened with the mining of Bitcoin, more and more people started mining, and the equipment used for this became more and more powerful. The chance that you could put the block on the blockchain with your PC and therefore could credit the block reward to your balance became smaller and smaller.

Now there are also professional search teams, with sonar equipment, and tracking dogs on the island to search for the treasure. The chance that you will find the treasury decreases even further and is almost equal to 0%

Wait! Bitcoin is not the only one!

That is the situation today with Bitcoin mining for the average person. Large mining farms have sprung up, huge networks with computing power have been bundled together and you as a loner with your PC cannot compete with that. The earnings will no longer be proportional to the costs you incur for electricity, for example. In addition, you will need very strong equipment and that usually requires a considerable investment.

Nowadays it can be said with certainty that mining Bitcoin is no longer possible for private individuals.

Now of course I know that there is more cryptocurrency that you can mine. For example, you can also mine Ethereum, you can mine Monero, you can mine Zcash and these are just a few examples.

Finding some mining calculators

Because I was curious about what it would yield, I tried to find that information. I have no experience with it myself, but what I could see so quickly is that it is no longer really profitable in the Netherlands. First, we would have to invest in a graphics card, and what I found is that the Nvidia Geforce 3090 delivered the best results, which would amount to an investment of roughly 2000 euros for a graphics card. You could then earn an average of around 6 euros per day with this AFTER deduction of the electricity costs. And that is under ideal circumstances… because the internet connection would also need an upgrade for this. We currently have a very slow internet connection. This has everything to do with the fact that we live in the countryside, but a switch to fiber optic internet is a possibility. Which, however, does increase the monthly costs. Which in fact would reduce the profit per day. A quick simple calculation taught me that mining is not profitable at all with those investments and that you have to mine for at least a year to earn back your investment. If the rewards remain the same, you could expect that you would be in the plus after a year of mining… but making money is actually not the case in the first year.

Whether mining is lucrative varies per situation

Now I dare not argue that mining CANNOT be lucrative, because of course a lot depends on the equipment you already have at home AND the costs you spend on electricity in the country where you live. But for me, it can be said with certainty that it is no longer profitable to join. The investments I would have to make are TOO high compared to the earnings I could get. If you are interested, I would recommend you to do your own research very careful because maybe it IS profitable for you!

So looking for a different way and very quickly immerse myself in trading, because, I really feel that it must be possible to make some profit there!

For the time being, I think I have to buy myself some more LBI, because that is increasing well in any case.

And if you are not too sure how you can make profits, I would suggest buying some LBI because there I promise you that you will make profit.


Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


I remember reading an article that mining wasn't exactly cheap in the US so I never looked into it further. Thanks for the summary.

I will definitely get some more LBI when I can. I made my short-term goal of 50LP which I should hit in the next few days. After that I plan to put it all into LBI until the price changes.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


Mining isn't cheap indeed ... the electricity costs are not cheap, the hardware you need is not cheap, and you need a lot of patience.

LBI is a sure bet for gains, it's maybe slower, but it's a sure bet and that's not what we can say from other cryptocurrencies. When the price of, let's say ETH falls down ... your electricity costs won't go down, so then you're mining at a loss.

That's something what won't happen with LBI, as the only thing you need to for LBI is just holding them in your hive-engine account. Easy!

And about your LP, very nice! I hope you're there soon!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


I think the biggest problem is the cost of electricity as at one point that worked out more costly than the coin mined. I haven't looked recently but you would need a good sized investment to set up properly. You are so right as LBI is a sure thing and why many of us are continuing to add daily to our stake.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


I think buy and hold is a better way as to buy hardware and start mining in 2021.

Only if you are in Iceland or Siberia.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


If you can generate free electricity, then I would say totally yes to mining but this is not the case :_(

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


Hmm there are ways to generate free electricity with solar power, but to generate that you first have to invest in solar panels. And that's not really a cheap option too ... so we quickly forgot about the mining.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


PC'S that can mine are relatively expensive in Nigeria. Electricity too is expensive especially if you're using prepaid. All in all I think there are many reasons why a lot of people would rather not mine even if it can be lucrative with the right conditions

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


That's exactly what you say, the conditions have to be optimal to get any profits, and for most of us they are not. PC's are expensive here too, and I don't have a bad PC right now, but to mine I really would need to upgrade it quite a bit. And to spend 2000 euro for a graphic card, that would mean that I would need to mine for at least one year to earn back that investment. And only when the electricity costs would stay the same, and the mining rewards would stay the same ...

So I just forgot about mining when I saw this calculations. And search for other ways.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


i prefer to not support minning stuff, as for 2021 the proof of working method its a bit bad considering the energy use. I really prefer staking or something like that, yeah may be profitable but in the case of bitcoin eventually only the blockchain itself will be consuming TOO MUCH energy, like a entire little country..

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


That's something to consider yes. It is not the most environmentally friendly activity you can imagine.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


thats why haha i believe in the climate change so that why even the fact i love bitcoin because all that means, i cant really support the minning proccess of the pow


Speaking of mining... I'd still love to see LBI accumulate LEO Miners purely as a long term investment.

I see a lot of the discussion has been around what price they need to be in order to make them equal with say simply buying LEO and powering it up. But as we expect the price of LEO (and dare I say it, even HIVE?) to continue to increase, I would rather see the fund simply start building a stack of miners asap.

Keep up the great work, team :)

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


Thanks for your suggestion. But of course you know, that was not the mining I was talking about this time. That's another post. And we all know, that post will come. 😉

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


In Italy mining is not possible because electricity is very expensive....
I definitely prefer the POS.
Well written and pleasant article to read and soon I will have my first 10 LBI ;)

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


I guess not.

Too much time for a chance to get a big result.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


I guess you're right.

Chances to get a big result are almost zero ... so better to explore the other options that are here.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


Good write up. For people in India, it is a bit costly. Before 4 years it was one of the biggest things. I know a few friends who got benefitted by that.

A few months back I tried exploring mining options from India and it was not profitable. I recent mining experience was Koinos which also ended up in loss by drinking my ETH for gas fees. So far it has not been a great experience. But I'm not sure about the cloud options. Maybe it is profitable. !wine

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


Thanks for the compliment. It's not only in India a bit costly. Here in the Netherlands it's very costly too. And I think it still could be profitable, but only when you have all the right equipment, so you can compete with the big bosses. And yeah, well, that's not for everyone.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


Thanks for the article! Cost of electricity is much higher nowadays than the values of the coin mined. Some of the big boys get their energy for almost free so we are not competitive with them. As crypto evolves, there are better options, like staking into pools or delegating stake that earn much better interest than pure mining. :)

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


Totally agreed on this ... there are many options, and it's certainly a good thing to delve in those options to see what is best for you.

Thanks for the reply!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


I will probably continue buying miners over time and slowly get more and more instead of buying lot's in one go

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


I guess you are talking about LEOM and LEOMM, and all the other types of miners on the hive-engine?

I was talking about CPU and GPU mining, ETH, XMR and all other coins you can mine. I don't think you buy that miners, right? Maybe I'm wrong, and you have a mining park but in that case I would love to hear your experiences

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


From time to time I ask myself should I start mining a shitcoin with potential :)
But even a shitcoin would need an expensive GPU to mine it fast.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


And the question, which shitcoin will really make it? Many shitcoins out there, but few will make it to the moon and beyond. And mining does cost you a lot of electricity, even without and the expensive GPU ... so yeah, not that much attractive anymore.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


Thing is I have a decent GPU (not top notch but already 20Mh/s just launching ethermine without tweak) and electricity is quite cheap here. So you know, the idea is always popping up sometime :)

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


It is really a gamble from what I have seen. If you are lucky enough to start mining a coin that ends up blowing up then you are good. Other than that I think most people are going to struggle with the ROI versus what they pay in electricity, hardware, and stuff like that. I have a couple of projects where I have mined tokens and of course they haven't amounted to anything yet!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


It is really a gamble from what I have seen. If you are lucky enough to start mining a coin that ends up blowing up then you are good. Other than that I think most people are going to struggle with the ROI versus what they pay in electricity, hardware, and stuff like that. I have a couple of projects where I have mined tokens and of course they haven't amounted to anything yet!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


I feel the same way as you do. And I really think that the "Golden days" for mining have passed. The investments you have to make are too high to be profitable these days. Or it must be what you say ... but that's such a gamble. I don't have the illusion that I will be able to pick that one project, that one coin that will go straight to the moon.

I thought about mining for a few times, but then when I researched a bit more, I came to the conclusion that it's not for me anymore. Still it's good to explore the possibilities.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


The one coin that I do mine is BOID. It isn't that he token has a ton of value right now, but when you mine BOID you are also donating computer processing power to the IBM world community grid to help tackle problems like cancer and covid.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


what's LBI? sounds like a token a dating app would make :)

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


I suggest you read the posts on this account, everything LBI is, is written in previous posts. And yeah maybe you would like to date with the founder after reading all what LBI is and will be in the future 😁

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


I ain't no gold digger but ... can't say no to a date with a nice gal :P

Later edit: as far I can tell LBI is some sort of BRO token if I'm not mistaken


Mining Ethereum is profitable with the right equipment. A few other coins too. The majority of coins are not very profitable.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
