Some People Forget To Understand What Appreciation Really Stands For In The Real World

We all fail this test of appreciation in life and we are too self centered that we have something very valuable and we don’t even appreciate it. I’ll start by defining Appreciation; Appropriation is the recognition of and enjoyment of good values and qualities of something or someone. Now that’s the definition of appreciation, but where I’m driving At is not really Appreciation of something or somebody but appreciation of yourself, this is what we all fail to do in our lives, what I’m trying to say is most people go out of their way to do what we call plastic surgery. That only could mean that you don’t appreciate yourself, How God created you that is you no Appreciating, You are a full bodied man and all you can think is going into lesbianism that is also you not appreciating the fact that you are a man. Most times because you are hungry at the moment and you got no cash, you start cussing and blaming God for bringing you into this world and you are forgetting that some people out there have not eaten for couple of days and they still Thank and appreciate their creator for keeping them alive. You have a home because it is not wide you complain instead of appreciating God for the shelter you have because many are under the rain with no shelter.

I will end with this no matter the circumstances around you always learn how to appreciate what you have, and always remember to say thank you.

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