My Wednesday Routine: My Kind Employer Brought Me A Pack Of Food

I got up today at 7:02 a.m. that is me running late, so I rushed into the bathroom, I brushed and had my body showered while i had my bath, I began to say my morning prayers at that spot then i got out of the bathroom when i was out of the bathroom stepped out to spread out my underwear which I washed after bathing. Then while I was dressing up, I had a little discussion with my sister this morning the discussion didn’t take much time. I got done dressing and stepped out, while I walked to the bus station, I bought myself some doughnuts took a bike to my work place arrived at my work place at 7:45 a.m. signed in then went straight to my office. Got inside thanked the lord for safe journey replied my messages on my phone that morning, logged into my blogging site updated, I then brought out some documents my boss told me to remind him when he gets to the office, after bringing out then I began to eat my doughnut finished eating, few minutes later about 45min later my boss came in and the day has begun, he brought a package containing noodles and fried eggs and he couldn’t eat he gave me and I ate it when I was done eating, I began to attend to needs of my boss in the office because he had a lot of people waiting for him at the reception for a meeting.


It was afternoon already the person in charge of the company’s social media platforms came in he came in to set up the company profile for my employer and the rest of us in the office took advantage of the opportunity. After the updating of my employer profile, then my employer left to the up floor for a meeting.

When he was back from the meeting, he then had another one immediately which he told well all. That we should excuse him and we went to the garden sit out, I and my other office colleagues sat there and discussed while the meeting was going on in the office.

While the meeting on, I decided to go get something outside which I texted my boss asking for permission despite the fact he was in the meeting he replied and I left when I got back he was done with the meeting and told me to pack he’s things in the car he is leaving, I packed up he’s things in the car, while he was still in the office preparing to come out I took some nice pictures.

Finally he came out and stepped into he’s car and drove off, and I myself locked to office and was on the next bus home.

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