Am I Wiser For These Life Lessons Learned? | Day 5 of 30-DAY #BLOGGING CHALLENGE - Part 3 | [ENG/SPAN]

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My mom was a strong, God-fearing Christian woman who taught me and my siblings many things during our childhood. She did it in a way of parables, jokes, stern looks, and gestures, but we knew what she meant. It's funny how I don't remember some of the situations that caused her to say things, but I'll always remember her answer. We thought she was the wisest person we knew.

Day 5 of the 30-day Blogging Challenge (Part 3).

What lessons have you learned throughout your life you want to share with us?


What she did teach us has been proven true many times over during my adult life. Since most of her lessons were taken directly from her trusted KJV of the Bible, she felt we needed to know.

Always treat people as you'd like to be treated.

It seems as though this valuable life lesson wouldn't need any prompting or explanation to just do the right thing towards others. But sadly, it does. To expect to be treated in a certain way that is good and tolerable, then not treat others the same way doesn't make sense to me.

Societies I feel are built on certain standards and rules of behavior that all live by if they want to reside in peace and harmony. Sometimes these rules are followed. Other times, they aren't. It has to do with the individuals and that person's moral attitude.

Treating others with respect, tolerance, and kindness is not something that is beyond any person's control. I don't feel as though it costs individuals a considerable amount of time, money, and resources to just extend kindness, a smile, a good attitude, and an understanding of the other person's situation.

You may encounter someone that is having a bad day or issues. You don't have to escalate the situation. In fact, you can help someone just by a simple act of kindness with words or deeds. You never know what the other person is dealing with. That person in turn, may do the same to someone else.

Imagine how far that may go if paying it forward was a daily ritual and ingrained into our being.

I'd have reasoned this life lesson out for myself had my mother not drilled it into us.


"Let gratitude be the pillow upon which you kneel
to say your nightly prayer.
And let faith be the bridge you build
to overcome evil and welcome good."
Maya Angelou

Growing up poor taught me the most important lesson of all in life. Be thankful. A sense of appreciation, thankfulness, and gratefulness for what you are and what you have in life can bring great contentment.

I remember my family each night saying our prayers of gratitude, appreciation, and thankfulness for being alive, in good health, and in sound mind. Even on those days when we had little eat, we still gave thanks. We also prayed for others whom we knew were in the same predicament as we were.

I thank God each day that the community we lived in consisted of families wit like minds. If one family fell short that week, they could always depend on another family to help out if they could. Sometimes I wonder about those families and the children who grew up like I did and where are they now.

It's not a day goes by that I think of the times when I didn't have and feel grateful for the present. I never take anything for granted.

Each day be ready to show appreciation for a deed, a word, or thought someone may express to you.

You health is worth more than gold.

Another life lesson I feel is important to mention is that your health guides your life. Without a healthy mind and body, you can't function. With the costs of maintaining your health, many individuals are left to find ways to keep themselves in good shape physically. During my lifetime, I've known many people who didn't have the resources to take care of themselves. They avoided medical procedures, visiting dentists, and delaying critical procedures that would help with their quality of life.

My mom always told us that with our family history of medical conditions such as Diabetes, high blood pressure, and heart problems, we needed to pay particular attention to our health. She stressed that her entire life.

There were many times I didn't take care as I should have. I can't seem to remember now why I didn't. I regret doing so now.

No one can take it upon themselves to be responsible for your health. Only you can take care of yourself properly. It's a valuable life lesson to learn, then live by it.


Mi madre era una mujer cristiana fuerte y temerosa de Dios que nos enseñó a mí y a mis hermanos muchas cosas durante nuestra infancia. Lo hizo a modo de parábolas, bromas, miradas severas y gestos, pero sabíamos lo que quería decir. Es curioso que no recuerde algunas de las situaciones que la llevaron a decir cosas, pero siempre recordaré sus respuestas. Pensábamos que era la persona más sabia que conocíamos.

Día 5 del Reto Blogger de 30 días (Parte 3).

¿Qué lecciones has aprendido a lo largo de tu vida que quieras compartir con nosotros?

Lo que ella nos enseñó se ha comprobado muchas veces durante mi vida adulta. Como la mayoría de sus lecciones fueron tomadas directamente de su confiable Biblia KJV, ella sentía que necesitábamos saber.

Trata siempre a la gente como te gustaría que te trataran a ti.

Parece que esta valiosa lección de vida no necesitaría ninguna indicación o explicación para hacer lo correcto con los demás. Pero, lamentablemente, sí lo necesita. Esperar que te traten de una determinada manera que es buena y tolerable, y luego no tratar a los demás de la misma manera no tiene sentido para mí.

Las sociedades, en mi opinión, se basan en ciertas normas y reglas de comportamiento que todos cumplen si quieren vivir en paz y armonía. A veces estas reglas se cumplen. Otras veces, no. Tiene que ver con los individuos y la actitud moral de esa persona.

Tratar a los demás con respeto, tolerancia y amabilidad no es algo que esté fuera del control de cualquier persona. No creo que cueste a los individuos una cantidad considerable de tiempo, dinero y recursos simplemente extender la amabilidad, una sonrisa, una buena actitud y la comprensión de la situación de la otra persona.

Puede que te encuentres con alguien que tiene un mal día o problemas. No tienes que agravar la situación. De hecho, puedes ayudar a alguien con un simple acto de amabilidad con palabras o hechos. Nunca se sabe con qué está lidiando la otra persona. Esa persona, a su vez, puede hacer lo mismo con otra.

Imagínate hasta dónde puede llegar eso si el hecho de devolver el favor fuera un ritual diario y estuviera arraigado en nuestro ser.

Si mi madre no nos hubiera inculcado esta lección de vida.



*"Que la gratitud sea la almohada sobre la que te arrodilles
para decir tu oración nocturna.
Y que la fe sea el puente que construyas
para superar el mal y dar la bienvenida al bien".
Maya Angelou

Crecer pobre me enseñó la lección más importante de la vida. Ser agradecido. Un sentido de apreciación, agradecimiento y gratitud por lo que eres y lo que tienes en la vida puede traer una gran satisfacción.

Recuerdo que mi familia rezaba cada noche nuestras oraciones de gratitud, aprecio y agradecimiento por estar vivos, con buena salud y con la mente sana. Incluso en los días en que comíamos poco, seguíamos dando las gracias. También rezábamos por otras personas que sabíamos que estaban en la misma situación que nosotros.

Doy gracias a Dios cada día porque la comunidad en la que vivíamos estaba formada por familias con mentes afines. Si una familia se quedaba corta esa semana, siempre podía contar con la ayuda de otra familia si podía. A veces me pregunto por esas familias y los niños que crecieron como yo y dónde están ahora.

No pasa un día sin que piense en los tiempos que no tuve y me sienta agradecida por el presente. Nunca doy nada por sentado.

Cada día prepárate para mostrar agradecimiento por una acción, una palabra o un pensamiento que alguien te exprese.


Tu salud vale más que el oro.

Otra lección de vida que considero importante mencionar es que tu salud guía tu vida. Sin una mente y un cuerpo sanos, no puedes funcionar. Con los costes de mantener tu salud, muchas personas se ven obligadas a buscar formas de mantenerse en buena forma física. A lo largo de mi vida, he conocido a muchas personas que no tenían recursos para cuidarse. Evitaban los procedimientos médicos, las visitas al dentista y retrasaban los procedimientos críticos que ayudarían a su calidad de vida.

Mi madre siempre nos decía que, con nuestros antecedentes familiares de enfermedades como la diabetes, la presión arterial alta y los problemas cardíacos, debíamos prestar especial atención a nuestra salud. Ella hizo hincapié en eso toda su vida.

Hubo muchas veces que no me cuidé como debía. Ahora no recuerdo por qué no lo hice. Ahora me arrepiento de haberlo hecho.

Nadie puede hacerse responsable de tu salud. Sólo tú puedes cuidarte adecuadamente. Es una valiosa lección de vida que hay que aprender y luego vivir de acuerdo con ella.


Thank you for taking the time to read my topic for today. I've set out above the life lessons I've learned from my childhood that I utilized throughout my adult life. What life lessons have you learned? I'd like to hear about them in a comment below if you'd life to share.

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Follow my 30-Day Blogging Challenge below:
Day 1
Day 2
Day 3
Day 4

@traciyork initiative #hiveblopomo (Published my Day 5 of the Part 3, 30-Day Blogging Challenge post for my blog today)

@flaxz initiative #iamalivechallenge (Published my Day 5 of the 30-Day Blogging Challenge [Part 3] post today)


Happy rest of the week everyone with whatever your endeavors.



a) JustClickindiva's Footer created in Canva utilizing its free background and images used with permission from discord admins.
b) Unless otherwise noted, all photos taken by me with my (i) Samsung Galaxy 10" Tablet, (ii) Samsung Phone, & (iii) FUJI FinePix S3380 - 14 Mega Pixels Digital Camera
c) Purple Butterfly part of purchased set of Spiritual Clip Art for my Personal Use
d) All Community logos, banners, page dividers used with permission of Discord Channel admins.
e) Ladies of Hive banner used with permission of and in accordance with the admin's guidelines.
f) 30-Day Blogging Challenge logo created by me in Canva utilizing its free backgrounds and free images.
1 Quotes by Maya Angelou on Gratitude.

Your Personal Terminal Discord Invite

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Bang, I did it again... I just rehived your post!
Week 53 of my contest just can now check the winners of the previous week!


Nice post. Keep it up good work.


Thank you for your kind words. I'm happy to hear you liked it. I'd like to hear your thoughts on lessons you've learned. Hope to engage with you again soon. Take care.


No one can take it upon themselves to be responsible for your health. Only you can take care of yourself properly. It's a valuable life lesson to learn, then live by it.

Easy to say... harder to do...yes? What a wonderful post, and certainly a #thoughtfuldailpost! As for others wanting to step on the heads of people as they climb up (downvote? REALLY?) Karma finds us all in the end. Keep on spreading your positive energy, my friend.

!LUV @tipu curate


Hello @wesphilbin Thank you for stopping by and taking the time to read my topic today in the Blogging Challenge. I also thank you for spreading LUV shares and your support.

Yes, it is easy to say, and definitely harder to do. Myself, I know the things I should do, and sometimes I fall woefully short on executing them. But I do my best. What I'll never do is to expect others to do it for me. They have their own health to think and other issues to concentrate on.

Sometimes I think about my family members still alive. They are not taking care of themselves as they should. I try to encourage them, give direction, and even financial help. In the end, they decide to do something different. Your health is the topmost important asset you have while you're alive. That's just my opinion.

I appreciate your kind words. Have a good rest of your week and hope some health issues you're dealing with can get under control in the near future.


Thanks for sharing your experience with us!

You have been curated by @wesphilbin on behalf of Inner Blocks: a community encouraging first hand content, and each individual living their best life. Come join the Inner Blocks Community , and check out @innerblocks! #lifehappening


Hello @wesphilbin I appreciate so much your support of my post today on the topic of life lessons learned and your curation of it on behalf of @innerblocks. I hope my message reaches others and brings some encouragement.
