The Challenges of Photographing on the Streets During the COVID-19 - In the Streets of Recife, Brazil by Jammerson Santana (@jsantana)



It hasn't been easy for me to go out and photograph on the streets of my city lately. First because here in Brazil the transmission of the coronavirus is quite high and there are several precautions that I must take when going out on the street.

Wearing a mask all the time in the heat here (even in winter - winter is also hot here) is an immense challenge. Not to mention alcohol gel at all times in the hands and the social distance that is something that is not part of our Brazilian culture. We are a people who like to shake hands, hug, talk close.

But, the fear of being contaminated speaks louder and this fear accompanies me at all times whenever I go out on the street to photograph. Some friends and relatives died for COVID-19 and when we deal with the death of someone close to us, we stay around as long as it can happen to us too.

I had COVID-19 right at the beginning of the pandemic, in March 2020. It was very complicated. I had a fever, shortness of breath. I prayed a lot (and I also medicated myself) not to go to the hospital. Thanks, God!

In the streets, what I perceive in people are a lot of apprehension, fear. The streets are more empty due to the prolonged quarantine that we live here. Many schools are no longer functioning, many companies have closed and there is a very strong financial crisis.

I can't wait for this to pass, these are very crazy times that we are living in, and we urgently need to overcome all this and try to live our normal life.


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