I Have Problems With Social Networks - A Sincere and Personal Post



I have a serious problem with social networking. Social media today has become a battleground of opinions. People no longer have the limits of civility, courtesy and education in this technological environment. What matters is to attack, to ridicule, to ignore the other person. This is the "rule of the game" and the reason why some use these tools.

Many problems I have encountered using social media lately. I am a person who likes a good discussion (intelligent discussions attract a lot of my attention) and I see that people today do not know how to dialogue, expose what they think without first start to attack another person.

This only shows the immaturity that many young people (and also adults) have acquired over the years consuming what social networks provide. I would say that social networks today have more negative points than positive ones. What should be to get closer, moves away.

And this is not just a problem that we find on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Whatsapp, major social media. No. Even here at Hive, in decentralized social networks these wars of ego (or wars of power, wars of flags in our language) are more than frequent.

I really don't know how to deal with social media. My goal is to be more and more "offline".

I admire those people who do not miss having a page on social networks, not even a smartphone do.

Likewise, I want to be able to get away from networks, delete my profiles on social networks, uninstall all messaging apps.

But unfortunately, I still use these networks to expose my work, my photography and for the time being I am "dependent on these networks".

I have faith that soon I will be freed from this "digital dictatorship" and will go to offline freedom, real life that is much more attractive.

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hello ,@jsantana .Today is my first day on the blog, unfortunately it's just like that. People have lost empathy with their neighbors. We don't even have the freedom to express our opinion, without being questioned, several times with insults and other types of inappropriate words.

Posted via proofofbrain.io


Fala cara, eu concordo contigo principalmente quando pensamos em redes sociais de "surface" como o Facebook, mas aqui por exemplo eu praticamente nunca vi isso acontecer. Ou talvez seja meu filtro de visão que não "enxerga" tais situações. Mas, em geral acredito que as ferramentas sociais são uma oportunidade das pessoas serem o que realmente são sem tantos riscos, e dessa forma, vemos seus verdadeiros caráteres.

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Na rede social tudo vai ao contrário. A forma como eu falo e me comunico aqui não é a mesma pessoalmente. Acredito que a vida real é mais atraente pq não há essas barreiras criadas pelos caracteres. Valeu brother!


Some of the social media users are looking for fame and attention and they will do anything just to trend,some of them because they want to trend,they begin to do negative things on the social media which includes cyber-bullying celebrities,taking nude photos(this is common among the females),posting fake informations,lying etc..yeah it is common among many social media users to display fake life,they have a way to deceive people into believing their fake lifestyle and lies.

Posted via proofofbrain.io


Dude you are right, a lot of problems on social media, especially centralized ones, but also a lot of bullying on steem hive... thats why I got the idea for LasseCash, and we almost had no drama for over two years now, only one woman made drama very shortly then she was gone.

So you can use LasseCash to stay connected and hopefully make more money. I expect the price to go up from here, money are coming in now.

We are not so many but its a start.

Other then that you are probably right, its better just to go out to a cafe and try to connect with people the old fashion way... seems more hard these days. But better... also come back on Discord, so we can chat there? I miss you dude!

With HEX, Pulse and LasseCash only the sky is the limit and if you invest in those, you will be financial free very soon!
