I Don't Trust the Newspapers


I stopped believing in the newspapers a long time ago. Sensational, biased information, many of which lead the reader and viewer to error, panic and paranoia without reason and without limits.

I don't trust newspapers for the simple fact that newspapers (all of them) are part of business groups with economic and political interests. The millionaire advertisements made by companies, the politicians who find in the newspapers a way to inflame their ego with optimistic news about their performance, all this made the newspapers lose their credibility.

It is a fact, and it is known, that every newspaper has its editorial line. By editorial line, we understand the way the newspaper's director or president thinks, and when this is at stake, his political and economic interests take away the impartial character of the information provided by his newspapers.

Freedom of the press is a utopia when we look at things from that perspective.

I no longer trust the newspapers that are supported by millionaire company advertisements, journalists who receive "astronomical" salaries, manipulated information and media terrorism.

"I don't need to read newspapers, I can lie alone." (Raul Seixas)

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