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Is ignorance dangerous?

Yes and no. Ignorance is not dangerous as long as the ignorant is aware of his or her ignorance. The real danger lies in believing that one knows something one doesn't really know at all.


Because if you know you do not know, you do not base conclusions or actions on your ignorance. If you believe you know, however, you act as if you knew, and then you will make innumerable mistakes. If it is really bad, you will cause serious harm - both to yourself and to others.

It is as misunderstandings. They are not dangerous as long as you are aware of that they may indeed be misunderstandings. But the moment you believe you have understood what, in fact, you have only misunderstood, you are on a slippery slope. It is right to understand just few than to misunderstand everything.

You meet them everywhere, in everyday life, in science, in politics... the people who believe they know, although they do not know at all. They are the most dangerous humans in the world and they become the great destroyers.

Perhaps we don't really know anything? We have some subjective knowledge, but objective so-called knowledge should always be treated with some scepticism. It might be wrong!

To avoid the hubris of believing we possess absolute knowledge, maybe we should keep in mind this joke.

Scientists often suffer from this hubris. They believe they really know, while they are in fact dealing with theories, models and hypotheses. It is not uncommon, however, that the model is confused with the reality it models and its limitations are forgotten or ignored. Moreover, a model is not true or false, it is practically useful because it corresponds to reality on certain points we have ennobled with importance.

Let's remain humble and refrain from being over-confident in our current knowledge. Keep the mind open for that cherished truths can change with time. We don't know everything - and everything we believe we know might be wrong.

Perhaps it is so that the more we know, the more ignorant we are. While the known area of our knowledge grows, the area of our known ignorance grows exponentially.

knowledge is always better than ignorance, but only if it is indeed knowledge. Erroneous knowledge is worse than recognised ignorance

Illusion of knowledge is the enemy of knowledge and not ignorance.
When you think you know everything is when you don't know anything because nobody is an island of knowledge.

Its a disease for you to think you know everything when you do not, know this and you will be a free person from the disease.

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U really give us a details about ignorant,with the few things I know about ignorant,i understand it is Better be unborn than untaught, for ignorance is the root of misfortune. It is poverty in a rich man to despise the poor and ignorance in a wise man to despise the ignorant. Ignorance is an enemy, even to its owner. ...

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