We Are Alive! March 30th, 2022 Routines


Got an Early Start

Our family is on a late schedule - we tend to go to bed late and have a difficult time getting up early. So I decided to begin changing my internal clock by getting up an hour earlier than I'm used to. The goal is to get to an early start, forcing my body to sleep earlier too.

It was a bit strange getting up before the rest of my family, the house is so quiet. It's also cold, since our furnace is on a schedule. Once I got my cup of coffee in me, I began straightening the house. I wanted to maximize that extra hour to get as much done as possible.

But there's only so much, my body was still pretty tired. I didn't get quite as much done as I had hoped in that extra hour. By late afternoon, I was ready for a nap.

Times Have Changed

Back in my school daze, I would get up hours before the sun. I would eat my lunch around 10:30 AM. I would be home by 3:00. That's an entire school-day accomplished by afternoon! On our current schedule, often times things are getting started in the afternoon, lunch is at one or two and it's dinner time before we know it. It's a relaxed schedule, but it usually results in huge BURSTS of productivity to catch things up before the end of the week. Fridays especially become busy days.

I despised public education and the exhausting schedule - but I admire the efficiency it brought to the day. If I could get myself (and my family) on an earlier schedule, I think our productivity will increase.

How are you at keeping your schedule? How do you develop those good routines?


Benjamin Turner: God fearer. Rooted in Messiah. Husband of @lturner. Father of SIX (!!!) wonderful children. The guy behind the camera. Blockchain enthusiast.

Bless the Most High!



how are you dear friend @ironshield good night
that seems to be a good technique to order the schedules, I also have to work on it
have a beautiful night


It takes constant diligence! Thank you for your kind words.
