Summer Socialism Detox! Tuttle Twins Massive Sale!

Spring Cleaning

Every so often, it's good to do a "cleanse". We go through all sorts of health regiments to cleans our bodies of toxic pollutants. But what about cleansing ourselves from toxic ideas?

It's time to purge our minds of the daily dose of socialist propaganda and open ourselves to the truth about liberty, responsibility, free markets and entrepreneurship!

Tuttle Twins Summer Sale!

These only happen every so often, where the entire collection is heavily reduced in price!

Get the entire Tuttle Twins Collection (All 13 Children's Books) for $89.88

  • All 13 Children's books physical $129.87 $89.88
  • All 13 Digital Audio books $90.99 FREE
  • All 13 Activity workbook pdf $64.99 FREE
  • All 13 Parent's guides pdf $64.99 FREE


Benjamin Turner: God fearer. Rooted in Messiah. Husband of @lturner. Father of SIX wonderful children. The guy behind the camera. Blockchain enthusiast.

Bless the Most High!



Hello my friend! 😊

If I had the funds I'd get these for our grandchildren. We are Canadian, but the information in these American books is valuable for all to learn, no matter the country they live in. Its just my opinion, of course, but showing children something other than the garbage they're forcing parents to tolerate their children being taught in schools around the world nowadays makes me miss homeschooling. 😊

I'm glad your children are blessed to be able to be homeschooled and not being force fed ideology that is contrary to God's. 😊

God bless you and your wonderful family. Have an awesome day my fabulous friend! 😊


Thank you so much for your comment and I'm glad you saw this. I'm excited when these go on sale, because $6.90 per book with all the extras is more affordable than $10 without the bonuses.

the information in these American books is valuable for all to learn

Yes the information is universal and applicable in any nation. The indoctrination is so strong in this current generation, it feels like a sickness and parents and grandparents are desperately seeking an antidote. Just the mere suggestion of how society really works and real responses that bring prosperity, instead of certain false premises that imply certain "solutions" that will lead to much misery.

I'm glad your children are blessed to be able to be homeschooled and not being force fed ideology that is contrary to God's.

Me too, it's difficult to put into words just how grateful we are to still have the ability to do this. I hope my children will be able to do the same.

Always appreciate hearing from you and your thoughts and consideration. Bless the Most High!


All it takes is the parents of the children in public school to come to their senses, but they're almost as brainwashed/indoctrinated, if not more so, than their children. It's scary, but we just have to remember that God is in control, and He works all things to the good, in His time not ours though, patiently waiting is something that is very hard to do, but if we do, He will bless us abundantly. Amen! 😊
