Risk Trading Your Mental Health Matters Even In Web3

The volatility of the crypto market is really not a win- win situation for everybody, that’s why it is advised that you shouldn’t put what you can afford to lose. It’s very understandable if you are going all in, in the sense of making more profit, in every trading either crypto, stocks, FX your metal health is key. Web3 as we all know it is the third stage in which the internet has entered where you are rewarded for every activity which is carried out in this space.


So in a tweet thread made by a soon to launch crypto wallet Nightly which they gave their view in a couple of tweets and also shared the mechanism behind risk in web3. From the several factors that was shared which is Risk seeking, which it says we should always see an opportunity in risks to be able to make as much profit as possible.

Another advice which was all over the statement that was made that we shouldn’t give in the FOMO which means the fear of missing out, having your own strategy is key and something in the crypto space which will save you from a lot of stress.

If you see this post on a Web2 ecosystem and you have no clue about what Leofinance is here is a brief definition;

LeoFinance is a blockchain-based Web3 community that builds innovative applications on the Hive, BSC, ETH and Polygon blockchains. Our flagship application: LeoFinance.io allows users and creators to engage and share content on the blockchain while earning cryptocurrency rewards.
Over here we refer to users as lions, so are you ready to be a lion here is my referral link

Also don’t forget in contributing to the pHBD-USDC pool, and from statistics it looks like we will be able to archive the set target in a few months, let’s do our own part in growing the pHBD-USDC liquidity and also take out time to participate in the Leo power up challenge which happens every 15th of each month.

Let’s also connect on some of the web2 platform.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
