motivation will come and find you

Have you ever encountered someone who appears to be a secret motivator but is actually quite lively and enthusiastic?
Highly driven people, we feel, have a motivational secret.

Actually, it isn't so secret, but the majority of us don't appear to be aware of it :)
In reality, highly driven people build behaviours that generate new incentives on a regular basis.

In other words, rather of waiting for a motivational boost, they design their life around things that energise them.

Here are some motivational secrets from highly motivated people that we may all learn:

The currency of incentive is energy.

Many of the productivity and habit-building ideas you've heard include time-management strategies. These suggestions include a variety of approaches and ideas for improving and planning your day so that you may better manage your time and be more productive at work.

But there's a catch:

Motivation isn't a matter of how much time you have; it's a matter of how much energy you have.
You can always find time, but you won't feel motivated if you're doing activities that deplete your energy.

Fortunately, the opposite is also true: with enough energy and excitement, you can obtain significant motivation even if your time is restricted.
So, instead of learning how to manage your time, learn how to manage your energy:

Begin your day by completing the most enjoyable daily task for you. Not only does this give you energy for the rest of the day, but it also makes it simpler to get out of bed and get going as soon as possible because the first item on your daily to-do list is something you're looking forward to doing.

Outsource the tasks that are draining your energy. You don't have to be a multibillion-dollar corporation to reap the benefits of outsourcing.

Delegate fundamental energy-consuming chores in innovative ways, certain that you'll repay the cost with the extra energy and motivation you'll acquire as a result.

Collaborate on your energy-intensive chores.
Many of us do not outsource all of our energy-intensive jobs to other parties. However, we can lessen the impact. Instead of spreading them out across days and weeks, finish them all in one or two days so you can devote more time to your stimulating task; you'll be able to maintain your motivation and energy at all times.

Your energy, not your time, should be your driving premise for structuring your days.

People in our immediate environment have a significant impact on us, for better or bad. Those that are highly motivated, on the other hand, can take advantage of it.

You may definitely see how big of an impact other people can have on your motivation levels through little, everyday interactions:
A great connection with a supportive and enthusiastic friend can almost instantly increase your own energy and motivation.

On the other side, even a single interaction with a very negative and critical individual can deplete your energy and motivation for the rest of the day, if not the entire day.

However, there is a more essential factor at work here: the individuals you spend time with on a regular basis have an impact on your habitual feelings.

You can't expect to feel energised and excited on a regular basis if you have to continually interact with people who deplete your vitality. However, if you interact with people who are naturally energising, you should be able to pick up on some of their passion and motivation.

As a result, be cautious about who you choose to spend your time with: if you're dating, avoid associating with someone who drains you of too much energy all of the time.

If you're applying for a new job, keep an eye on the folks you'll be working with's energy levels.
If you're starting a new project or career with someone, look for someone who will energise you. And if you can't, it'd be wonderful if the rest of the package is worth it!
Surround yourself with stimulating people if you want to feel more focused and energised in your life.

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