World Events and Crypto


Right now there must be probably millions of people feeling very aprehensive about their crypto holdings. The losses in value have been substantial, if you invested in crypto a few months back when prices were much higher you are looking at massive losses. But remember you only lose if you sell, so that is the problem -will crypto rebound and reach for the sky or on the contrary, go way lower than where it is today?

So far things are not looking good, prices are a reflection of circumstances and right now the circumstances in the world are not looking good. will there be war in Ukraine? Probably, Ukraine will be prodded into a war it cannot win by the west, it will lose half of its territory and on the other hand Russia will be weakened. But Russia has two things going for it, nuclear weapons and being the world's second largest gas and oil producer, actually it has another, they get along just fine with China.

As things look right now, imposing sanctions on Russia will only achieve one thing, higher gas and oil prices which will hit everyone in the world hard, especially those of us in third world countries with no oil reserves. So things are looking quite bad, I do hope the Ukraine situation is resolved peacefully and there is no more bloodshed. Highly unlikely but that is what I hope for.

This just seems to me will reflect negatively on crypto prices which I expect will continue to plummet. So I guess my advise has to be, if you can HODL just do it, perhaps in a few months or maybe next year we can expect to see some normalcy in world relations.

I think this is just probably the death throes of the Pisces cycle and will be overcome once we enter Aquarius. I read a lot so I know about this, but frankly I have no faith in astrology.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
