Lessons from the Bible Study held on 5th January 2022 via zoom

I joined the the Bible Study via zoom and I learnt a lot from the teaching of bro Eli.

In this video, I shared some of the lessons I learned from the Bible Study. Watch and be blessed

Some of the important points learned from the words of God discussed in the Zoom meeting are:
  • https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Malachi+3%3A6&version=KJV
    In Malachi 3:6 what it means is that the being of God does not change.
  • https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Exodus+3%3A13-15&version=KJV
    In Exodus 3:13-15, what the Bible is saying here is that it was the same God the spoke to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob that is speaking to Moses. He does not change.
  • God does not change, there is no development in His being.
  • Chemicals, food and even environment can cause mutation but God does not mutate.
  • God does not repent like man and will not lie like man.
  • The way human repent is that we repent after doing something wrong but God repentance comes before the action.
  • If people change, God will repent and will not do what He wanted to do.
My former beliefs or expectation that was improved for listening at the Zoom meeting

We use to think there is contradiction in the Bible but we not know that the Bible does not contradict itself. For example, that God does not repent like man is a comparative statement which means the way God repent is not the same humans repent. Human beings repent after doing evil but God repents before punishing us if we turn away from doing evil just like the people of Nineveh.

Ways in which the study affect us that can make us a better person that we can use in our daily lives

Since we now know that God can change His mind from punishing us if we turn away from doing evil, we should be doing good every day of our life.

We are inviting you to join the MCGI Cares (Hive) community that study the words of God and also earn some reward by making our reactions on it. We can check this link https://peakd.com/c/hive-182074/trending


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Best regards

