My feelings at reaching 1000 POB


So I just crossed the line to 1000 staked POB and I am going to be honest feel pretty proud.

I did not jump into this project from the start, I was not one of first commenters on POB opening post but I did find POB fairly early.

One of the selfish things things that drew me to POB was it was new, I am new to HIVE and so many great projects make me feel like I missed the boat, or a full of whales and experts. Here was a project I could get in on at the ground floor.

However the more I learnt the more I get drawn in, a place with no strict rules yet with a strong feel and direction. A place I would ramble on about the things I like and learn something new around every corner.

At one stage I found out I was in the top 25 and I suddenly felt this unexpected feeling of responsibility. My HIVE gives a 10th of a cent, my POB vote can give 3 POB and maybe start someone on thier own POB journey.

Suddenly I was thinking about how much vote I should give out, how much did this post make me think (my own personal metric not saying it's the right one!). I was checking new on Proof of Brain to see who I could give a boost to.

So thank you POB for making a small little fish feel a sense of community ownerships, a sense of guidance, a sense of fun.


Photo is my own

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I was thinking about how much vote I should give out, how much did this post make me think (my own personal metric not saying it's the right one!)

Respect. This isn't always the case, so it's refreshing to read about your thoughts and hear what it means to you. I'll always have time for people who share what's on their mind.

I am also there with you in terms of how I first stumbled onto POB. It is easier to get in on the beginning of a project and ride it up to the top but it comes with strong responsibility and a stage from which your reputation and credibility are always on show. Obviously, there is going to be some leeway in terms of what is right and wrong, that's just the nature of these types of platforms.

Keep on staking, this place needs people who aren't afraid to share what's going on in their heads.

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Respect man! POB is a really promising community but Hive is what's powering everything here so let's hodl both these coins to the moon!

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for making a small little fish feel a sense of community ownerships, a sense of guidance, a sense of fun.

I love this line...well said.


I've been Hiving for 3 years now. With POB this is the first time I have to worry about the amount of my vote and where it is going. Right now my VP is struggling to stay around 70% for POB. I manually vote POB and LEO and do some auto voting on Hive. When I was concentrating mostly on Hive and LEO I was able to use the vote weight multiplier and keep things kind of under control. Now with POB and all the accounts starting to use the tag it seems I am going to need another solution.

Not a fan of alternate accounts but it looks like I may need one to regain a little control of my VP % for POB. Don't get me wrong, having all this POB staked is a wonderful problem to have. I'd just like to regain a little control over how much and where the POB is going. :)

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It may feel like a small accomplishment now. If you keep writing and staking POB, and this project takes off (it looks good so far), you could be one of those big POB whales that everyone wants an upvote from.

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