Progressive Democrats Make Me Want To Boycott Just About EVERYTHING


The more the 'progressive' Democrats control the financial, entertainment, and news media system, the more I want to boycott the system entirely. Don't get me wrong; I see a benefit to using some platforms or services. Yet, most of the services I once used I do not use today.

There is a battle in the USA, some might call it a culture war, and I can agree with that name. Radical leftists are fundamentally trying to change this country and its meaning, and even so far as to try to change how we use language to confuse the youth. Their tactics are disgustingly manipulative and wrong. A decade ago, I wasn't so anti-Democrats, nor was I against the ideas of "liberalism"; Things have changed. These concepts mean something completely different than what they mean today, and I would argue that the 1990s and Early 2000s Democrats are EXTREMELY different than the 2023 Democrats.

The 'progression' of radical ideas and concepts about race and social structures have turned me off to the Democratic Party and especially the 'progressive' faction within the party. The rhetoric they push today leads me to want to disconnect from any company that seems to lean into its ideology. Of course, I cannot boycott all of these corporations, but I'm becoming more aware of how powerful the Democrats are with mainstream media, social networks, and their control over some parts of our financial system (like PayPal).
