My Online Income Continues To Grow


My income online is growing a little more due to the growth of my viewers on TikTok and I'm feeling pretty good about it. Most of my income that I make online goes into a savings account or generates some kind of interest on the holdings.

If things continue to grow in the manner that it is, then I'll be able to accomplish some of my financial goals. Over the past few months, I've been focusing on interest-bearing accounts, staking cryptocurrencies, and not spending so much while seeking avenues to lower expenses for necessities. Growing my own food has been helping quite a bit too. I've still got some major expenses coming up which will make a major dent in my savings, but I'm confident things will be getting much better after then.

If I can get consistent growth on TikTok, start getting donations from YouTube live streams, and maintain some positive momentum on crypto, then I'll be in a great financial position soon. It is a SLOW process, but I know it will pay off in due time.
