A Personal AI Assistant For Everyone


As new large language models get developed, and as computers are able to process more data, companies and coders are creating the LLMs' that will be personalized to you. Some might even create an LLM that is designed to focus on every detail of your life, others might give the AI access to your daily life.

Think of where LLM's currently are, most are used in an instructional or a chatbot-like setting. However, as LLM's develop and get integrated with other AI and API's the technology can plan and initiate orders on your demand. We've seen this being used now with Siri and the Google Assistant, but new LLM's like Bard now is getting more access to your data. Soon enough, Google Assistant will fully be integrated with Bard or something similar.


Other than mainstream applications, I can foresee an independent developer creating an LLM for cellphones that is fully integrated into everything you do. Google is pretty known for this, but outside of google people may want to focus on an even more personalized approach. Designing a chatbot to cater to the whim of its user, or to work in the best benefit of them - A bot that knows everything about its user where it gives unfiltered responses and suggestions to the user.

We can see the ethical implications of this, but where the technology is heading is beyond our comprehension. Soon we'll all have our own Jarvis, or have our own Alfred.
