Summer Is Blooming!…..My Actifit Report Card: June 9 2024


It seemed forever for summer to arrive, but it finally did. Yesterday was a bit too warm, but today was much better. Highs in the mid 70’s and although you got hot doing anything outside, there was a nice breeze blowing to cool you off fairly quickly. Even the bugs weren’t an issue! 😎

This morning just as we arrived at church, I witnessed a man lay his motorcycle down as he was leaving the church parking lot. I pulled in and we got parked and went to see if he was okay. Another man had also gotten out of his vehicle to help. The bike looked to be a brand new Yamaha 1000CC - the model specifically I can’t recall but what I call a rocket. Too much motorcycle really, regardless of age. This bike tops out at 160-180 MPH! Crazy-nobody needs that kind of power!

The man was okay fortunately. His bike though, was scratched pretty good from contact with the pavement. After making sure he was really okay, we headed into church and let the greeter know what happened. I really wanted someone to check on him because that had to be traumatic and the motorcycle also would not start.

Church worship and the sermon were awesome!

Upon coming home, I set out to weed the garden ( mostly the grassy area around the garden). I was pulling by hand and there was a lot to do. @silvertop was weed whacking the hill directly at the back of the garden and saw what I was trying to do. He brought it into the garden and in less than 3 minutes did what was going to take me forever to do by hand! My hero! 😍😘🥰

Due to the unusually cool and wet spring, things are either way behind in growth or just never came up! Out of all of the corn I planted, I have 2 plants! I replanted today with the hope that these take. They are the Ohio Silver Queen corn variety, so I really want them to grow!! Fingers crossed!🤞

The onions and garlic are about the only thing doing well other than the tomato plant I have in the greenhouse. So, once again, I wait to see what germinates!

We also finally got my rose bush planted in its new home. It’s on the south side where we get lots of sunlight.

It’s called Perfume Delight because of the strong fragrance the roses are supposed to have. If it does well, next year I will add another bush and begin my rose garden. I used to grow roses in Ohio. When we moved here, I thought it would be just as easy as it was there, but because of where we are located, it’s more difficult then down in the valley.

Here’s more summer blooms and also some eye candy from yesterday’s bay hike mixed in. Enjoy!

This next picture is from the tin piling at the bay. The intensity of the orange from the rust caught my attention.

This last picture is from our son and daughter in law’s adventures yesterday in their neck of the woods.

It’s been an enjoyable day. I’m not sure what’s on the docket for tomorrow. In the meantime, have a lovely evening! 🙏🙏🇮🇱🇺🇦


This report was published via Actifit app (Android | iOS). Check out the original version here on

Daily Activity,Hiking,Gardening

Picture taken by me and altered by cliptocomic app

@elizabethbit is a member of ladiesofsgs4eva
a sweet group of lady stackers of SGH


My root veggies; onion, garlic and potatoes are doing fine and it seemed odd with beans, peas, strawberries and pumpkins barely growing as if I planted far too early. I hope a good string of sunny days can make the difference.
I'll need a second watering can, we have another water limit advisory this year so no sprinklers for lawns. MAnual watering only. I could use the exercise anway.


I have no outside spigot, so I too manual water! My pumpkins look pretty puny as well. Hopefully you are right and the weather will straighten them out!🤗💕


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Oh! The pop of colours and beauties. I love that about the summer tides. Your picture-taking skill is out of this world.💕


I do hope the man is okay!!!
Ah.. your garden will be fine (because mine is looking fine too,😁) Perfume Delight... sounds very fragrant!!!
Your photos are all beautiful. That's a nice capture of the sun and clouds... so unique and wonderful. I like the waterfall and the waves, you caught waves, slowly creeping through the shore (two end photos).
!LUV ya sis


Thank you sis! I am thinking he is okay; we will look for him this coming Sunday.

There is so much to photograph and I look for all of it, lol! You never know just what you might find! Love ya back!🤗😘😍💕🌸💟 !LADY
