How do you use the memories of your past?

The human brains have more than a trillion connection to other neurons. This helps to increase the brain storage capacity to around 2.5 petabytes (or a million gigabytes).

Just like our USB devices, our brains are capable of storing memories, with more information. And it also stories memories with less information.

This means those memories with lots of information take up a large amount of space Also, the memories with less information take less amount of space.

At some point, our brains also delete information that is not useful, or forgotten, and clear up space.

By knowing this, you will understand why there is information that you have all the tiny details in your memory. If you investigate further, you will notice there are things you barely even remember, no matter how hard you try.

This means you had given your brain instructions on what to store in full, and what to delete or store in small amounts.

There is a part of our childhood that is still visible as though it happened yesterday. We could not forget the experience no matter how hard we try.

When we had that encounter, our brain had stored every bit of it, so we can go back to it, whenever we need it

This could have been an experience that made us happy or hurt us. Most often than not, it is always the happy ones that we tend to keep and try as much as we can to delete the ones that hurt

Most people, delete the happy ones and stick to keeping the hurting ones. That way, they will be able to build, shells and fortresses that protect them from similar harm

Such people may encounter good people but because they're still holding onto the past, they are unable to live the happy moments in the present.

It is always left for an individual to decide what to do with his memories. But holding unto the past in our present lives weighs us down, and prevents us from progressing.

If one chooses to keep hurting memories as a shield, it is not healthy at all. This is because the past is not supposed to be dwelled upon, instead, learned from, and moved on.

Using the memories from the past, we can plan ahead for the future. Never allowing anything to take us by surprise. But making sure that the things that cloud our reason or grudges that eat us up are forgotten.

Hurting memories should only give us lessons, lessons that make us repeatedly tell ourselves, "I shall never repeat this mistake again"

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To live fully, you have to let go of the past ... The past is a great bag that cannot always be carried, because it tires and weakens us ... Living the present healthily refers to living the good and the bad in a balanced way , taking the best of both and learning. Thank you for your post, it is very encouraging to read this type of post, encourage the soul.


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I agree with you

The past wears us out and living life in a balanced way is the best thing to do

Thank you so much for reading through, I appreciate

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The human brains have more than a trillion connection to other neurons. This helps to increase the brain storage capacity to around 2.5 petabytes (or a million gigabytes

I would say this is the coolest thing I've ever known so far.
I'm so glad that my brain is pretty smart whether it stores past experiences or not, as long as its way better than even the latest memory card or flash drive I'm honored.
Thanks @ edystringz for educating us.

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Such people may encounter good people but because they're still holding onto the past, they are unable to live the happy moments in the present.

Very true, edystringz. Holding on to the past kills the present and the future. As the classic song goes, 'the future of the future will still contain the past.'

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I always think about this memory thing and how we deal with it. In my case, what I realize is that although I am an extremely nostalgic person and full of important passages (in a good or bad sense) that do not fade, I tend not to focus so much attention in the past to guide my present, and likewise, I don't live on future plans. I try my best to experience the present. And, in more practical and neurological terms, I have been concerned with a kind of lapse of memory, little things like names of singers or bands, dates, details, and I am almost sure that this is mainly due to the use of medication. I use a tricyclic for anxiety, and one of the side effects could be this issue of memory.

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There is nothing wrong with how your mind focus on the past as long as it is a guide to your present

There is only something wrong, in my opinion, if you stay in the past because you do not want to let go of the grudges

It is absolutely great that you live in the present too because most of us find it difficult to concentrate here. That is because it is either we are concerned about the past or being anxious about the future

Thank you so much for coming around

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