

The best four months of the year begins today! All the best seasons, sports and holidays are packed within these months and I am so ready for it.

While I am in a good mood because of the new month, I am also in a bit of a weird mood.

I am done with fake people, fake kindness. I myself am tired of pretending I am ok with everything in this world simply for the sake of not causing a ruckus or being tolerant of literally everything. Tolerance is cool, but tolerance must have an end eventually. I distanced myself from a friend of mine today that I have been friends with for years. Sending me memes constantly, like what the hell is that. If someone wants to talk to me, how about you know, actually TALKING to me. I shared too much with this person, thought like this person cared. But all she did was judge and pity me.

I want people around me that actually believe in me, actually care about me. If I have to guess or question it, than that is really not enough anymore. I am not just gonna always be around, readily available whenever you want. If I crash and burn, I crash and burn.

I am just grossed out in a way. I felt bad at first for distancing myself, but it kind of feels ok.

While this person was friends with me for a long time, it doesn't mean I have to always be close forever. I was always the weird one, the outcast. Her and the whole neighborhood saw me as weird as hell.

I am ready to move on with my life, make a name for myself by myself. If I fail, it will be a glorious failure.
