
Time moves too fast, it's no fair LOL. I'm exhausted. The price of hive has gutted me, and maybe that's what is making me more tired. Also, stress. Unbelievable amounts of stress.



I can now see how stress can literally kill a person, stress should just be another word for LIFE, but still. Stress is the worst.

I need to laugh, I have internet for now, so I guess I should attempt to use it to try and cheer me up.

I've been frequenting my pictures for blogs and man, looking at the pictures of my son pushes me and KILLS me at the same time. He's so stinking cute, I love him so much it's truly unbelievable. I should push and push for him but with writing you can only push so much before your eyeballs hurt and writing a single post takes ages. Maybe I'm just horrible at this. That seems pretty plausible as well.

But I think I'll wake up refreshed in a few hours. Refreshed or not I must GO. Hive on folks.


Hey brother. I wouldn't even worry about prices at all. We know this is the future and one day we will be rewarded very well for holding, accumulating, curating and posting content. I, like you, have been very stressed. It is not the prices of crypto assets that is causing my stress though. It is the amount of inflation the Republican/Democrat Establishment has put us through. I pay 2,600 dollars of rent, plus daycare because we do not have anyone that can take care of our daughters while we are at work plus other expenses. I have to work countless hours and will have to start working a second job.

My stress is more because of the fact that my 4 year old wants her daddy and i am hardly ever home. She loves for me to go to the park with her. That really hurts me and stresses me out a lot. I am missing out on these very important years of my daughter Neshama's life. This is something i can never forgive the Trump/Biden Establishment of. This is time i will never recover brother. I know one day we will be rewarded handsomely for building wealth here. But none of that will ever return the time my daughter needs from her dad. I am forced to prioritize and sacrifice my family time in favor of providing for them. That means i need to continue working my ass off, and even harder than i currently am.

Posted using SoMee


Man, that was super cool of you to share all of that! Yeah, inflation is absolutely wrecking me in many ways. I've watched the prices of groceries rise steadily the past two years. I very much relate to you wishing to see your daughter more, I wish I could be with my son more too. I really hope you're right and that this is all worth it one day. Some days I have my doubts, but I just keep pushing. A lot of aspects of life are not guaranteed, just like crpyto but all I can control is myself.

Thanks for stopping by and being a good friend, you've motivated me to continue pushing today!!!


Anytime my friend. I am very optimistic. As i think i have told you before. I have been on SoMee since before Hive Existed. To be exact, late 2017 is when i started using SoMee i believe. I am lucky to own close to 100 Million SME. If this does any type of uptrend i have a fortune lol.

Posted using SoMee


Dang man, you got me thinking about buying some. SoMee has definitely impressed me I am so grateful that you introduced me to the coin! The price has been pretty solid and consistent so far, maybe I should take a leap of faith hmmm. Either way I am grateful to have any SoMee tokens. I hope you get your fortune, you and your family deserve it!


Between you and i. I don't think you need to buy any SME. You have my large holder upvotes. I consistently upvote both of your accounts because your content is excellent. You are going to grow super fast with me upvoting you trust me. People that are in need of buying SME are people that do not get upvoted in SME. You don't have that problem nor will you be having that problem.

The other reason to buy is if you are interested in being a SoMee large holder. That really isn't necessary man..


Wow man you're a really kind person I don't know what to say I mean that's amazingly kind of you! I am so glad to hear that you think my content is excellent I have been grinding very hard I have a vision and a goal and your kindness is super valuable and appreciated. You've made my day!!
