

Work went well, l dare say that I am almost looking forward to going in. I have an off day tomorrow, and then I go in again on Saturday, an extra added day! Hours, money. Let's go.

There's a lot of people and I'm just kinda tired of meeting new people at this point, but everyone has been nice so, it's been kinda ok. Everyone has been really nice frankly. There was so many people, that I kind of felt like I was in no man's land, but I kept busy.

Apparently this place has lost seven people in just the past couple of days. Yikes.

My phone is an absolute problem lately, and it's given me problems for days and it's given me problems downloading the scheduling app for work. But yeah, I'm just going to come in when they say anyway. Write it down for now. I don't know.

Haven't seen my son in awhile, he's spending time with his bro though, which is good.

My sister messaged me saying we need to have dinner, sounds good to me, it's been awhile since I've seen her and my nephews and niece.

Got a very unexpected friend request on Facebook, will accept it but it's so odd that I received it.

This podcast is pretty epic.
