

My sleep schedule is now basically two naps that consist of like four hours a pop. I don't know how I feel about it. I was like kind of proud of myself for getting to bed at a decent time, but now I'm just up for kinda no reason. I might make a Madden post, but I do have work later sadly. It's a Saturday which BLOWS, but then I have several days off which is cool.

A customer randomly said I'm losing weight, which kinda threw me off. I had no idea what to even say back. That ramen noodle diet got me slimming down I guess LOL.

My friend is supposed to like come by to help me fix my bike apparently. I have no clue how that's gonna work, but it's nice. I don't ever have company if it's not my son. I gotta like really clean this house tonight or something. I'm living real willy nilly if that makes sense HA.

But yeah. Not really looking forward to working on a Saturday. There's really not much to look forward to in general these days.

I need to like, do something productive and crash.

I'm not even feeling as depressed as deeply or as often anymore. Life's just boring and stale. But who cares, life is life.

Holy crap I just weighed myself, this is the lightest I've been since like high school yoooooo lmao.

Yeah. Hive on folks.
