12/21/21 - never a dull moment!


Man Christmas week is ramping up. Slept a bit too much but I'm feeling great.

My son had some issues at school today, but apparently the issue was not all him for once which is better than him just being simply naughty all alone. Never know what will happen with a bunch of children around.

I've got to buy a few last minute presents but do I go to the store down the street or do I make the trek out to the mall hmmmm decisions decisions. I can't wait to see my boy's reaction to his gifts.

I've powered down even more tokens to help pay my rent during this hectic but great month. Once this month is through, I will be financially more relaxed if that makes sense. I prayed the other day for some help and later that day my sister texted me about if I wanted or needed some food. I really felt like my prayer was answered through my own sister, my family. It felt great. I can save money thanks to that help. I know I will be able to pay rent one way or another!! It's cold out in PA I'm so lucky and so grateful I have heated shelter.

Here's a random song I like from my YouTube liked videos. A good old Kings of Leon song. KOL is definitely one of my favorite bands ever! Hive on folks!
